Your Spiritual Age is about to begin and your
progress will be astonishing and very quick. Imagine how wonderful it will be
to be able to trust all of those around you, because you know that they are
ascended Beings like yourself. The Love and Light will have permeated
everywhere, and there will be no doubting that you have arrived in the higher
dimensions. Life will be a big contrast to what you have now, and will be of no
comparison. To live in peace without any threat to it will be a wonderful
feeling of freedom and joy. The problems of health and the challenge of mere
existence that beset you in the third dimension, will no longer be a factor in
your lives. It is difficult to convey the absolute feeling of happiness and
contentment, which has to be experienced to be appreciated.
The mind set of those who have opposed your evolution
and aimed to prevent Ascension, is focused on self power because they lack the
understanding of Oneness, and therefore love for their fellow man. However,
they still have their Godspark even if has become very dim, but one day it will
light up again. They have the same opportunities to be of the Light as every
other soul, and God will welcome them home like every other one. You all
started out together, but as you decided your own path of experience some were
engulfed by the lower vibrations and fell by the wayside. There will always be
a way back into the Light, but the lower you fall the harder the journey.
However, as with any soul there are always many willing volunteers who will
guide them homewards. Everyone of you without exception has higher Beings in
close attendance who guide your life for you.
In the future we of the Galactic Federation of Light
will work with the ascended souls, until you become our equals. You will then
become very independent and decide your own future, but that does not mean that
we will lose contact with you. We will literally only be a thought away at
anytime, and that applies to any soul that you have links with. Indeed, as we
have previously indicated you are likely to join with those of a similar level
of consciousness. Your experiences are unlimited, even moving from one Universe
to another to extend them into new areas. On Earth you are obviously much more
restricted, and with your lower level of consciousness have lost touch with
your Higher Self. In consequence the truth of your real self becomes clouded by
the illusion of 3rd. dimensional life.
You are about to witness the real beginning of the
end as the old system falls into chaos. No attempts to restore it will work as
it is destined to complete its time in its present dimension. It has well served
its purpose where you and Mother Earth are concerned, and the new paradigm is
moving into place. You will not miss the final outcome as the changes are so
far reaching everyone will be affected. All souls will achieve what they desire
and most have already exercised their freewill choice. It is the reason we ask
that you do not attempt to override another souls decision, but allow them to
be satisfied that it has been made with their future in mind. The fact is you
cannot move higher than your vibrations allow, and clearly that would be the
level at which you would feel most comfortable.
We are as ready as we will ever be to play our part
in ensuring your experience of Ascension. Our involvement will soon be
apparent, and you will already know that we have been keeping the peace on
Earth. That is with reference to our actions to prevent present troubles
escalating into another world war. We are eager to become more involved and
help ensure that our allies are able to bring matters to a head. The Presidential
elections in the US
are a key focal point, that will determine when we exercise our divine
authority to bring about beneficial governmental changes. Much hinges on the
outcome and it will be a victory for the Light.
From hereon each week that passes should reveal where
matters are heading, and there will be the fulfillment of events that are
necessary to bring peace to your world. As you would imagine, nothing happens
that we are not aware of even if it is out of our sight. We know the true
intent of the different nations regardless of what they say to the outer world.
They are in fact divided into those who encourage war, and those who now seek
peace even if their history suggests otherwise. What is happening is that the
Light upon Earth is transmuting the lower vibrations, and whole nations are
waking up to the truth. There is a powerful move to unite within those
countries that desire peace, and a wish to disassociate themselves from those
who do not. The warmongers are gradually becoming isolated, and without support
their plans are doomed to failure.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see that the various
peace movements are reaching more people than ever before. It is the blooming
of people power that will bring about the desired results. It is also boosted
by the continual input of higher energies from outside of your Earth. As we
have often said, you have already won the battle with the dark Ones, and it
only remains to clear up the remains of their activities to go speeding on with
Ascension. That Dear Ones is well in hand as you will see before very long.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey