Monday, October 1, 2012

Removing The Shackles: Casper, Keenan, Whistleblower, Drake

Swimming through the quicksand: Casper, Keenan, Whistleblower, Drake
Source Link

The smoke and lies are ridiculously thick right now.  In the past month the Cabal has heightened their fear porn to unbelievable levels, and the disinfo agents are working overtime to muddy the waters till it's like swimming through quicksand.

I happen to like this article from Rumour Mill News because Xavier makes some very good points in here- points that echo a theory that has been bubbling in my own brain.  Some of these people are not who they portrait themselves to be.

Over the past two weeks I have had some serious insight into the background of some of the actors in this play, and some of them - ones whom many here have supported and applauded and defended from all comers- are not as pristine nor "white knightly" as they would have us believe.  And some are downright wrong, in every way.  At this moment I'm not at liberty to talk about this in any detail, but suffice to say: Keep your bullshitometers finely tuned and read everything with discernment.

For anyone who missed the first few chapters of this soap opera, a friend helped me compile the list of links below.

Come into my parlour said the Craw Fish to the Fly…..Scott, Keenan and Crayford, Master Spin Merchants all..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Come into my parlour said the Craw Fish to the Fly…..Scott, Keenan and Crayford, Master Spin Merchants all..
Posted By: X_Hermes
Date: Saturday, 29-Sep-2012 15:42:50

Are you confused by the dialogue going on between these men? You should be – for that is a big part of their purpose. Let me explain:
You have heard about the ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’ routine, yes? The whole point of it is that both cops are on the same team – but organized to totally confuse and intimidate their victim into trusting the ‘good cop’. Which the victim usually does…
Well here, we – the more discerning element of the public who read sites like RMN – yes, we are the intended victims. And we are supposed to concede a specific point of view being promoted through (and despite) the complexity of what is going on here.
My working assumption is that a manufactured disarray around the OITC, through this ‘good cop, bad cop’ scenario is exactly what is being created. They – good shill, bad shill - are all on the same team, an alphabet agency controlled by a government which is, in turn, under complete control of the international banksters. Let’s call the agency ABC (ok, two out of three…) Much of the agency works directly for the banksters (but paid for from your taxes and the proceeds of drugs/guns/trafficking). The agency is co-ordinating a sophisticated ‘good cop, bad cop’ scenario spreading obfuscation around the OITC. Why? Because OITC is a big nightmare to the banksters, the ABC agency’s ultimate masters (just like several others). What OITC is doing by bringing massive collateral back into play to support and stabilize our money holds the potential to bring the banksters down, certainly to destroy their money-manipulation and theft games, something these fear-merchants themselves fear. Of course, OITC could also rescue the banksters – but the latter dare not trust anyone (judging others as you judge yourself!), so they will never allow themselves to cut such a deal, indicating that a rescue (allowing the illuminasti out with some dignity) probably will nevert happen.
So – through the ABC agency, the banksters have their shills deployed. Actually, it is high level shilliness, ultimately not serving the banksters I would guess (oh yes, and I claim a new word…Definition: Shilliness – the foolish deployment of shills to one’s eventual detriment). A few notes, then, about the players (and excuse me if I have some fun with them in the process...)
Remember – they are all working for the same boss. It is a well-planned and executed spin-fest, designed to confuse US while marginalizing the very important OITC. In this spin-scene we have:
Keith Scut (a dictionary definition of Scut: a deeply foolish person) playing the ‘bad shill’ role. Has a reputation for running several personas on the web at once. He was inserted into the OITC for some years, he became trusted internally – and from that position of trust crafted a number of bad scenarios with outside parties, designed to eventually make OITC look bad through negative publicity after the event.
David Cayford aka Whistleblower, who I shall re-name Craw Fish (as in ‘something very fishy sticks in my craw here…). The Classic ‘good shill’ role, appearing to protect and support the OITC, and publicly assuming an ‘insider’ position in the process – but interesting how every now and then he puts the knife in. His latest is the claim that Dr Ray Dam, chairman of OITC, died in 2010. Well, I have spoken at length with Dr Dam, quite recently, so as far as I am concerned that statement is completely false. Why this sudden viciousness from an apparent supporter? Well, I am told by someone I can rely on that Craw Fish (Whistleblower) is probably one of Keith Scuts many internet characters. I suspect that Scut, reported as currently being under great personal pressure, ‘lost it’ for a moment, confusing his various faces, and lashed out through the ‘wrong’ persona. My pendulum seems to agree. And, I am told, nobody at OITC has ever heard of this character. Duh!
Incidentally, Dr Dam now has a global network of 138 (so far) true and noble souls - many in high places either materially or spiritually - who truly are sincere and genuine and who will act to help stabilize many countries and all inhabitants of this beautiful blue planet. Think of this as a positive hydra – act to cut off the head of the OITC, and a far bigger and more powerful team takes the front line! So, if you are listening dear illuminasti banksters: for you, the demise of Dr Dam is really not a good idea.
Craw Fish has been trying to build a case that OITC has been taken over and is under new chairmanship – not easy unless and until you dispose of the real chairman. Which the team has tried really hard to do.
Then we have Neil Keening (Definition of keening – wailing for a dead person). Perhaps he is wailing for the supposedly dead Dr Dam? In which case you can dry your crocodilian tears Neil. Or the recently demised Dr Michael Vandemeer, thought to have been Keening’s handler. But wait – my pendulum indicates quite strongly that Vandemeer is not dead…hmmm. He, too, is said to have worked with same ABC agency in a fairly senior role.
I am told Casper also appears to work for that same ABC agency, but for a different department. Occasional comment have been made by Casper on OITC (cross-department co-ordination here), but mostly his role seems to be to keep many people taking the ‘hopium’ of good events yet to come, and a kind of ‘managed information dependency’. There is a lot of this on the web and many of the hopium stories have been worked up for years. These spurious initiatives represent a vast capacity to depress very large numbers of people who might otherwise be active in moving positive things forward – some of whom become dangerously destabilized, And a few committing suicide when they finally realize no delivery is possible. And talk about hiding in plain sight…Casper = spook = ABC agency! Duh (again!)
Maybe Dr Vandemeer is indeed alive, and is controlling this whole scenario, from a new location and under a new name? From my personal experience of him, he certainly has the ability. And it would not be the first time he has disappeared, moved countries and assumed a new name and persona.
Whatever…the whole scenario is completely macCIAvellian (Definition: Cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, esp. in politics or in advancing one's career.)
When the Craw Fish invites one more fly into his parlour – what if it turns out to be a hornet? I suggest this because my OITC contact says:
“There will soon come a time when all the old guard is no more then a loud clanging noise irritating the world as we know it . And that time is very soon. You can beat your own drum Craw Fish but strong words of advice: OITC is no longer your little sitting duck. The operational team has been hugely expanded. You hit one duck we all take a defensive position and cover each other . You know, like the Spartans did (or maybe you wouldn’t know, as one must have lived a code of honour to understand it!)
My contact also says:
“Scott, we are no longer that little fly, this time you get the Hornet . Your are already held up in Indonesia in Cowboy town with no way out. Keep trying to catch flies and you will catch something that really stings back.”
The key to enlightenment here is to remember THEY ALL WORK FOR THE SAME TEAM: and that confusion and obfuscation is a main methodology in their business.
Works well, doesn’t it!
Xavier Hermes

Sent to Drake Anonymously


New Tomorrow and Important Updates

Casper Response to Keenan 9-25-12

In response to Casper's latest opinion- Keenan speaks out


Casper Responds to Whistleblower


A Response To All The Pro-Drake Posters

Striderus: SO we hear alot of noise from this cat fight...


More disinfo related to Keith Scott, September 28, 2012

Come into my parlour said the Craw Fish to the Fly, Scott, Keenan and Crayford, Master Spin Merchants all

 Casper 9-29-12 opinion plus news