Wednesday, October 31, 2012

HopeGirl2012 Action Plan To Lead Humanity Into The Golden Age


The following is a top-level immediate action plan that has been cultivated from the suggestions of 300 essay submissions from 37 countries. This is the combined cry from humanity, asking for immediate action to restore our planet and our people. This is our time for our great awakening, our voices and wishes must be heard, acknowledge and accepted as written on the hearts of humanity by our Divine Creator.  The sacred global heritage assets accrued by generations of our ancestors are being called for to accommodate the immediate funding to facilitate and implement these steps of phase one, straightaway. Here we have provided with love and our highest level of intentions the most critical points to help assist those in charge of these funds.

The reason why these points must be put into action first:-

Concerning the technologies; start with those that are public, why, because so many, once they see and hear this has been done, will feel safe enough and encouraged by funding to step up with all that they had to hide so far, for all the reasons that the system threw at them. Those genius minds that have been hiding in fear, waiting for this day to come, will know that the time is now and will know that they will be compensated. They will have a place to go and the support to start the new paradigm as one people. Many will drop their current jobs that they took in order to survive and will join. Those brilliant minds in schools and universities, those brilliant minds that have no jobs because they refused to conform to the system, will step forward and will not have to just survive they will be able to Thrive. This is how you open the gates to the surge of this part of our new paradigm. Straight away.

Mass production will follow in all the places that were used to harm, will be used now, including military , naval, and air force bases and other black op company bases to serve and heal. It is all in place the people who step forward and many more will want to join straight away.

Taking down of Internet gateways is a must before anything else can be corrected on the net. Why because the gateways stop all valid information. No gate, no censoring. This must happen first. The rest will follow organically as the people get the info and the calls to step up once they have the truth.

All disinformation must be taken down first in order to keep the people of this planet from getting confused and lost on the Internet when seeking truth and how they can help. This disinformation works on the psychological fears and spiritual psyche of each human; it must go before we start with the truth.

Global worldwide announcements with this Phase One of the plan must be given in tandem in all countries in every way available, and all languages, we are one. The people when they see and hear what is happening will indeed help and ensure that phase One will be implemented. They will be given courage and strength and most importantly Hope and a way that each of them can help. Think 100th monkey effect…

All those in need of assistance, need to be cared for and brought out of survival so that they all indeed in the future can help with the next phases. This is a global project, every soul counts and has a right to help, should they so choose.

Stop poisoning the body and mind first, so that the body and mind can heal and function in a capacity to serve in the next phases, which ever form they choose.

With the food it is the same reason as above, plus it will start through the steps given in how to, a spirit of community and oneness. This will give the people again health, strength, courage and HOPE. This must be done before any other changes in the food supply are done.

The basics rights of every human, is to be able to survive without cost. If every human is working to pay bills just to have water, electricity, and heat for them and their families to survive… then how can we ask them to serve on a greater level and the next phases?

Taxes in the forms mentioned are acts and crimes against humanity for a corrupt system. There is no need for these aforementioned taxes at all. Forgive these debts and you will see the change in humanity in an instant. Without such a move, you will still have no trust and belief from the people in their individual countries, as they are hurting bad. This will give them Hope and also funds to feed their families and animals properly and contemplate how they may now serve, in a greater capacity.

Forgiving global debt of each country is the only way to set every country and their souls free. A new system cannot be implemented when still burdened by the old, it is that simple.

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