There has been hints in alternative media that the Federal Reserve has no possession of physical gold. Many news disclosures are suggesting that the Fed are so desperate that they have been trading counterfeit gold bars filled with tungsten. Now Germany is putting pressure on the Fed to give them back their 50 tons of gold. Is this another move to force the Fed into bankruptcy?
Tuesday, 23 October 2012 09:52
By David Icke

'In perhaps the biggest story in gold since Hugo Chavez sent shockwaves throughout the gold market in mid 2011 (and propelled gold up $300 to a record $1915), the German Constitutional Court has ruled that the Bundesbank must conduct an audit on German Central Bank gold holdings, and in anticipation, has begun the repatriation of German gold from the NY Fed. The Bundesbank will request the NY Fed ship 50 tones of German gold back to the motherland a year for the next 3 years!
It appears de Germans are about to receive a crash course in the lesson He who owns the gold makes the rules (aka possession is 999/1000ths of the law).
Assuming that the NY Fed does decide to comply with the Bundesbank’s request to keep up appearances for the other central banks, we wish the cartel luck in finding 150 tons of TUNGSTEN FREE PHYZZ over the next 3 years as the Bundesbank reportedly will PHYSICALLY VERIFY THE GOLD.'
Read more: Germany Announces Its Intentions to Repatriate All its Gold from the New York Federal Reserve