There is a battle taking place for the awareness of humanity. This may give a hint to how spiritually important the human race is to the evolution and growth of this Universe. We have front row seats!
Other sources about GFoP, GFoL, Ashtar Command and COBRA
Originally posted by Lozion (Tue 2012-10-16 21:34:29 +0000), slightly adjusted for more general understanding an accessibility:
Guys, here is an excerpt of email exchanges I had recently with Tanaath
of the Silver Legion concerning COBRA's recent post about the GF/GFOL.
Answer in bold.
Thanks for clarifying your understanding of the term Cabal. If you don't mind me asking, are you familiar with this blog: http://2012portal.blogspot.ca ?
Thanks for clarifying your understanding of the term Cabal. If you don't mind me asking, are you familiar with this blog: http://2012portal.blogspot.ca ?
The author, named Cobra, a purported representative of the "Resistance Movement", makes the case that the "Galactic Federation" and "Galactic Federation of Light" are one and same group.
They are NOT the same group. Cobra is associated with the Galactic Federation of Light. He channels, and he receives information from several sources - both ET and terrestrial - all hostiles. The 'Cobra' individual is a front for several different hostile groups working together to spread misinformation.
The Galactic Federation of Planets has maintained from the start that they are not the same entity as the Galactic Federation of Light. The GFoL has tried to blur the lines of distinction between the two organizations by claiming that they are the same organization, and has consistently referred to itself by different names, including the Galactic Federation, the Galactic Confederation, and any of those with the 'of Light' moniker tacked onto the end. The true Galactic Federation refers to itself as either the Galactic Federation or the Galactic Federation of Planets. They have repeatedly asked the GFoL to stop trying to claim there is no difference between the two entities, and the GFoL has repeatedly refused. This, and other hostile actions by the GFoL (including invasion fleets sent to Earth) has led to a recent punitive force being launched against Siruis B - the Reptilian-controlled head system of the GFoL. It was completely cleaned out, just a few weeks ago. The GFoL channeled transmissions continue from other GFoL systems and ships, however. But Siruis B is no longer a factor.
There's a few things you should consider. First, anyone who has to add 'lightisms' into their organizational name to convince you that they are good guys is probably not a good guy. This goes for things like the Great White Brotherhood, the Galactic Federation of Light, etc.. The second is that when you have two groups and one is claiming there is a difference, and the other is claiming that there is no difference, it's clear that the one claiming no difference is trying to cause confusion and conflation of the two. This should automatically make that group suspect.
The Ashtar Command has used its historic associations with Christianity as its claim to goodness. Once again, we should call this into question. We know for a fact that all human religion has been modified by the reptoids. Anyone using a particular religious paradigm to back up their supposed legitimacy should automatically be called into question. It is just as likely that some of those religious figures have been planted in our past in order to make it easier for the hostiles to use them to claim legitimacy. Consider also the information in this link, about the Ashtar Command - http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/men_in_black.htm#2_-_ASHTAR:_ANGELS,_DEMONS_OR_MEN_IN_BLACK.
Anyone who is calling themselves your ascended master is simply calling themselves your master. The language used by the Ashtar Command and the GFoL is language of disempowerment and conquest. They are talking about leaders chosen for us, in secret, without our consent or input into the decision process. They are talking about making it so that we never have to make decisions again. They talk about decisions made and orders to do stuff to Earth, where we have no input or say in the matter. They talk about our obedience. The highest precept of the actual positive forces is free will. No one who is positive ever demands obedience or claims that Source requires obedience, because it's simply not the case. Worship is an aberrant thing. Only negatives use that paradigm, and it's used for control of individuals. It was artificially inserted into humans on Earth to make us easier to control.
See post: http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/2012/10/galactic-confederation-as-i-have-said.html
So there you have it, another source tells us to be aware of the disinfo campaign going on at COBRA's blog.
I for one have had too many red flags risen in me for about 6 weeks now. Enough of that.