Sunday, September 9, 2012

Watch CHOICE POINT the movie for FREE this weekend!


Click HERE to Watch Choice Point for free this weekend!
When you watch Choice Point, you’ll finally get the answers that’ll make all the difference – and what you’re going to discover may well surprise you…
And, as a special launch offer, you can watch the movie for FREE for 48 hours! Stream The Movie now!
Imagine how much faster your own journey to success would be if you could tap into the thinking and experiences of some of the world’s leading visionaries, scientists and spiritual leaders – life-directing guidance from billionaire Richard Branson, visionary Desmond Tutu, author Jack Canfield and more!
And best of all it’s not just big names who are featured in this ground-breaking feature-length documentary, you’ll also hear about regular people who massively changed their lives around following the three key Choice Point pillars of
  • Understand your world
  • Align your purpose
  • Be the change
Why is it so important for YOU to see the movie?
If you feel stuck, or you’re facing what seem like insurmountable obstacles in your life – or you simply have a BIG project that you don’t yet know how to take out into the world – know that you’ll be inspired by the stories, wisdom and perspectives provided by the inspirational figures who’ve been interviewed for the film. Drawing on their own lives, they describe how they’ve learned to shift their beliefs, change self-defeating thoughts & behaviours, take action…and persevere!
And what’s really interesting is that everyone who appears in the film acknowledges that their transformation was not only personal - but also helped to spark a collective ripple of change. By recognizing and bettering their lives through their choice points, they’re now in a position where they can contribute to society as a whole – sharing their unique gifts with the world on a much large scale.
We’re so keen to get the message of Choice Point out to the world, that you can watch the movie online COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE for 48 hours, click here to watch it now, and since we are sure you’ll also be keen to spread this message of hope, we’re really happy for you to share this offer with your friends, family, clients and colleagues. Share this special launch offer here:
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When you watch Choice Point, you too will be inspired…
We are facing the biggest choice point in humanity’s history – and that’s why it’s been so important to make Choice Point, a film that brings hope and powerful change, at this time.
We all hold a piece of the puzzle – and the film reveals how individually, we can contribute to creating a whole new picture for humanity. Through our individual contributions, we can together create the change we want to see in the world.
Choice Point is a movie that you’ll want to watch over and over again – so you’ll know yourself that when you read a book more than once, you often “see” things that you didn’t get the first time round – which is why you might prefer to Buy the DVD for just $27.95 (£18; €22.75). You can click on the Banner below to make your purchase.
Why will it be so important for you to SHARE the movie with your colleagues, clients and friends?
Because we know that you are concerned not only for your evolutionary growth but also your community’s and the world’s around you, you will probably want to share this movie with your clients and friends. It is a tremendously powerful people to help people from all walks of life awaken and make better choices about their lives, their health, their careers and their relationship with the planet itself.
But remember, you only have 48 hours to watch the movie for free, so don’t forget to share this amazing launch offer with your friends, family, clients and colleagues.