Sunday, September 9, 2012

100th Monkey Radio Interview with Kelly Lasha

Part # 1 - MP3 Audio

Part # 2 - MP3 Audio


Kelly La Sha - September 9 2012

Kelly La Sha has a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Marketing and Cross Cultural Training. With over 30 years of experience in reading energy and shamanic healing, her expertise is in midwifing souls through their journey to the 5th dimension. She is the author of Liquid Mirror and co-author of Surfing the Transformational Waves of 2012.

My Story

My training began at the age of four when my stepfather came into my life. My single mother and I had been absconded by a satanic group that had intended to entrap our souls into the practices of the dark arts. My stepfather, whose story is far more profound than mine, was a medium for an interdimensional being called Mota. Mota notified him that my mother and I were being held captive and gave him a remote viewing of where we were. He found us, broke in to the encampment and rescued not only a mother and daughter, but also our eternal souls that would have been severely damaged by the hardcore practices of what I have learned to be called the illuminati.

My parents married shortly after and my 15 years of training with my stepfather and Mota began. My regular sessions with Mota consisted of questions and answers about the universe, our earth and the deception of religion. Then I would receive an “energy download.” Mota would place a hand on the top of my head and emit seeds of wisdom unto me and open my vision to perceive energy. I was literally trained to read the energy of the soul and discern between the light and the dark. My stepfather would often take me to public places and we would practice reading the energy of others. I learned how to see the masks of the dark artists and the agendas behind their lies and deceit. Furthermore, I was taught how to see the energy of light, the frequency of pure love. It is more rare to see love than it is to see density on our earth at this time. Most relationships are co-dependent and founded on fear: insecurity or arrogance. It was because of this painful reality that I resisted most of my training and longed for a normal childhood. But it was explained to me that I would greatly benefit from my efforts at a later time in my life when the earth would approach a particular cycle.

It was heartbreaking to “see” so early on, the painful condition of humanity through the heart of my intense compassion. When I moved on to college, I intentionally left my spiritual path, shut off my vision, and tried to erase the knowledge of my training. I convinced myself that it was all a scam and that I could just believe in the Light and exist as a normal woman, have a career, and raise a family. My strategy worked for a very short period of time, and depression eventually awakened me to the suffering of my stifled soul. I began to voraciously search for anything that would resemble and validate my training. My stepfather had left his body by this time, so I was on my own to claim my own understanding of truth. Shamanism was the closest thing that I found that could encompass the scope of Mota’s teachings.

Fortunately, I found some wonderful shamans to work with. I also went to initiatory sacred sites in Peru and journeyed with the master healer teacher plants Ayahuasca and Huachuma. Throughout my shamanic journey the seeds of wisdom that Mota had implanted continued to germinate. My vision returned and for the first time, I translated my energetic understandings in my book Liquid Mirror to share the joy of the freedom from fear and the expansiveness of Love.

My journey continues as I broaden my self-identity to include my 5th dimensional self and recall my soul’s intention for this incarnation. I have had numerous spontaneous “visits” Home, including journeys to the Pleiades. On those journeys I receive very intense experiences of unconditional love and support. I also gain clarity on the preciousness of our souls and my role as a star seed to help midwife souls through the 5th dimensional shift that is upon us. Surfing the Transformational Waves of 2012 is my offering to souls who wish to awaken to their Godselves. The opportunity before us is to broaden our awareness in order to be able to see our way through the 3rd and 4th dimensional beings that are attempting to prevent us from realizing our power and our innate sovereignty. My soul’s purpose is to help free souls from the dense wounds of fear and to offer tools for individuals to learn how to broaden their frequency by mastering their energy so they can joyously live out the purpose of their incarnation.

This weeks music by Marco Missinato "Earth Angels"