Q & A with St.
Messenger Beth Trutwin
September 7, 2012
Elizabeth Trutwin asked a
friend to pose questions to St. Germain regarding Changeover and 911. The
following questions were posed to St. Germain tonight and these are his
1. It's said that we need
to all personally change our view on things in order for change. So that means
no TV, no media, etc., anything that can alter our opinion/views/experience on
Earth and keep us in fear. Once we feel we've made that change, because we're
in 3D, we need others to realize this fact and make changes themselves.
Eventually, we hit a tipping point whereby enough souls understand this. Is
that tipping point then when we get disclosure and announcements? If so, then
what is the tipping point that Ashtar talks about (and others) that we have
supposedly hit already?
The tipping point has
been reached as Ashtar said. This means there are a percentage of souls living
on Earth who understand the Truth and hold the Light for all. Many souls
recently have woken up and look beyond their everyday routine to answer the
perennial questions we all have about life acknowledging they individually
effect the whole.
Change. Change comes
from persistent attention focused on a vibration. If there is an Earthquake,
human attention is there. If there is a mass shooting, humanity focuses its
attention there. The media then hold too much of the Light Focused Energy where
they deem on fear episodes.
Lightworkers focus their attention on one goal for a persistent focus on one
mutual goal then they will have achieved all they hope for.
2. Can you elaborate on
what exactly needs to be done in the financial world to bring forth arrests and
announcements? What is going to be the last thing the day before we get
arrests/announcements? We've read about LIBOR rates, bonds in the
Philippines, crashing Euro and dollar and other major things, but is there
going to be something that's going to happen whereby the next moment/hour/day
things will change?
was needed has already occurred. I personally took charge of the final last
thing that needed to be done. All the rest - the failing banks - indeed they
are simply shuffling papers now. The LIBOR scandal, bond buy backs and all the
rest are simply the house of cards falling in on itself.
personally went to every mega billionaire in the World and asked them to give
away all of their money to charity. They know that their wealth will be taken
away from them at the time of reparations, but they are not willing to face
that truth. They feel they will get away with something. Dissolution means just
that. It is inevitable and absolute. Cosmic Law is Absolute Justice. No human
can escape this fact. Reparations mean that everyone will start on an equal
playing field. If you now have more millions than the reparations all will
receive then you too will lose it. When I asked, not one Soul agreed to give up
all their money. This was the final financial consideration needed. This was
the last chance. Now each One who I approached will be dealt with in a way
reflecting their choice. This exercise was done to move forward the plan. Since
none who could help came forward, it changed the level at which we may
intervene. Changeover can happen any moment now. We are doing everything that
is possible to move forward with the plan now.
3. I understand
ascension to be a personal experience that each soul learns. When the
changeover happens, the souls that are not ready for ascension, will they see
the ships and the new economy or will they be stuck in the old paradigm in
their own little world?
When Changeover happens and Earth enters Zero Point all the veils will drop. Almost every Soul on Earth today holds false beliefs regarding the financial sector, secret government, the cabal, extraterrestrials and more. There will be a lot of new truth to take in because the truth has been denied the people for so long. There is a Plan in place which is so loving and compassionate. The transition will be made as simple as possible and will be all inclusive. Those who hold resistance to the beauty all around them will be offered help. Each individual will be given the choice to see the changes or remain in the old paradigm. Those choosing to remain will deny they see changes. This is their free will and accommodations for these Ones have been made.
When Changeover happens and Earth enters Zero Point all the veils will drop. Almost every Soul on Earth today holds false beliefs regarding the financial sector, secret government, the cabal, extraterrestrials and more. There will be a lot of new truth to take in because the truth has been denied the people for so long. There is a Plan in place which is so loving and compassionate. The transition will be made as simple as possible and will be all inclusive. Those who hold resistance to the beauty all around them will be offered help. Each individual will be given the choice to see the changes or remain in the old paradigm. Those choosing to remain will deny they see changes. This is their free will and accommodations for these Ones have been made.
4. Dates cannot be given
because even the Galatics have no idea as to when things are going to happen,
but they must have the technology to know just how close we are. A couple years
ago, we were told that we were days away from changeover. Can you give an honest
answer as to exactly how close we are? I know that we are sometimes given false
information in order for us to learn a lesson, but I would like an honest
straight up feeling of how close we are as a planet, because that tipping point
number needs to have everyone on board.
date that was ever proposed changed due to a situation which was an opportunity
to make a better outcome. When someone channels the future, they are seeing the
details from a place of no space and no time and sometimes changes seemed
nearer than they were. Also, each soul perceives these messages a different
way, which helps them along their spiritual path, whether in joy or sorrow.
These emotions move us toward a goal. I can give you an honest answer. These
changes will come in 2012 before the end of 2012. It is so because the
Collective Conscious made it so.
5. Will Missions be
offered immediately after changeover or will that be individualistic?
will be offered as immediately as each individual desires. Many will want a
vacation to rest with their families and celebrate Earths good fortune. Some
will want to speak to the High Beings who will be here to serve as Mentors and
answer all the many questions which will arise. Nothing that appears as it is
today will be the same after. It will all be BETTER.
6. Will twin flame reunions be immediate or again, will that be on an individual soul level?
6. Will twin flame reunions be immediate or again, will that be on an individual soul level?
Flame reunions will be offered as each individual desires. Many who relish the
arrivals of their twin flames are currently married and raising children with a
partner not their Twin Flame. Some have been living alone and celibate 20
years. All will be handled in a fair and kind and graceful manner. As it could
be imagined at this moment, it will be BETTER. No one will suffer as souls
gravitate to their ultimate happiness because all will be mutually BETTER.
7. Will all secret
societies be abandoned or will there still be some around that will be working
for the good of Man/Earth?
idea of secret societies has a most negative connotation. Those negative groups
will all be completely dissolved. There are always a hierarchy amongst souls
and the level they have attained in their consciousness. The Higher Teachings
are kept secret until the moment when one is ready and has prepared themselves.
At this moment all secrets are revealed.
8. With the advent of
materializers (replicators), we'll have all of our food and clothing and
probably a bunch of other things. What do we need money for then? How will it
be doled out…in gold certificates that we change over into some paper money?
reparations (prosperity) will be given out to a bank account to each individual
- every woman, child and man in the world. This money will be exchanged by a
swipe card. Every person will have a card tied to their own account. All of the
monies will be metals backed by silver, gold and platinum held in the banks
around the world. This has already been created. We need money because we have
held that as the energy exchange so long. We need money due to the enslavement
of humanity. Souls will need a period to adjust. They will need time to phase
away from the programming that they need money. When everyone is comfortable
with the changes then Earth will no longer use money or swipe cards.
9. Everything is in the
NOW moment. There is no past or future, so disclosure and arrests have already
happened (because there's only the now). How are we able to hide this from
ourselves? How are we able to hide this perception?
agreed to the forgetfulness. We agreed to the Veils. These are a condition to
living on the great school called Earth. Veils are tied to karma. They are a
compassionate act and are intrinsically tied to these conditions. They are why
a tipping point of souls was needed who had woken up and prepared themselves to
do away with the veils for the end of time.
10. How SPECIFICALLY does 9/11 tie into arrests/ascension/disclosure? There are MANY people that know that it was an inside job, but what's the main tie-in?
10. How SPECIFICALLY does 9/11 tie into arrests/ascension/disclosure? There are MANY people that know that it was an inside job, but what's the main tie-in?
SPECIFICALLY was the WAKE UP CALL to humanity on Earth. It was necessary for
such a gross and massive psychological trauma to happen to the Collective. It
would take this level of misconduct to have permanent change. Before these two
wars the deceitful actions of the cabal were not evident to humanity.
11. How many people
actually died in 9/11?
number that passed on the 16 acres at Ground Zero is around 80,000. Millions
more civilians and Servicemen and women died in Iraq and Afghanistan.
12. What was the main reason for 9/11? Was it a sacrificial ritual? To start war in the middle east (for oil or the stargates)? Keep us in fear? Bring out the legal controls that they brought
12. What was the main reason for 9/11? Was it a sacrificial ritual? To start war in the middle east (for oil or the stargates)? Keep us in fear? Bring out the legal controls that they brought
(Patriot Act, etc...)?
All of the above? Am I missing something?
was pure greed. Period. A lot of money was made that day. There were many, many
traders prepped before the day making inside trades on all the industries which
gained from that day. They also dropped stocks beforehand which dropped that
day. They thought the computer hard drives inside the trade companies located
at Tower 1 would all burn and some were reconstructed and the inside trades
became known. There were deals made under the table for the war machine, where
so much money was made…trillions. War was declared on Iraq about one month
later. The MAIN reason for 9/11 was to destroy the computer banks held in Tower
2. There contained the computers holding all the banking information for NESARA
Law and the changeover from Federal Reserve Notes to Rainbow Bills. NESARA was
to be announced September 11, 2001. George H. W. Bush wanted it stopped
forever. He will not succeed. Greed will not be served.
13. Is Mitt Romney tied
into 9/11? Will Mitt Romney's arrest coincide with disclosure?
are a few hundred in the United States in government holding back the entire
world from freedom. Try to remember that this is a great illusion. Steps have
been made behind the scenes where arrests have already taken place. What you
are seeing playing out on the grand stage is a gigantic illusion. What controls
the public in sound bites and the nightly debate about the election is not even
real. This is why we may now intervene on deeper and deeper levels. The arrests
are done and what you insist on watching and arguing about is fake. FAKE!
14. Was 9/11 an attempt
to rip the timelines like Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment? And if so,
were they hoping to destroy our ascension process?
No. What ripped the Timelines at Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment were actual time traveling science gone bad. 9/11 was mass murder. J.K. Rowling brought this out in her book series. Hermoine was using a time turner. She said to Harry they must not be seen when traveling back in time. She said terrible things happen to those who mess with time. These Souls will have to pay a price for the damage that was done to the Timelines. This is no small criminal charge.
No. What ripped the Timelines at Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment were actual time traveling science gone bad. 9/11 was mass murder. J.K. Rowling brought this out in her book series. Hermoine was using a time turner. She said to Harry they must not be seen when traveling back in time. She said terrible things happen to those who mess with time. These Souls will have to pay a price for the damage that was done to the Timelines. This is no small criminal charge.
15. What is the
spiritual meaning of 9/11? Bush Sr. on 9/11 in 1990 with the New World Order
speech, 9/11 in 2001, each with a difference of 11 years. 11 years from 2001 is
2012 - therefore what is the potential that will happen this September 11th,
11, 2012 holds the potential for more revelations about NESARA and Full
Galactic Disclosure. We are winding down the year and each day rushes us
forward to Changeover.
16. What was under the twin towers and in building 7? Were they demolished purposely to take gold that was stored underneath? Where is that gold now?
16. What was under the twin towers and in building 7? Were they demolished purposely to take gold that was stored underneath? Where is that gold now?
was not gold. It was the NESARA Announcement and the computer servers. In
Building 7 was all the intelligence offices where the truths were held by staff
there and on computers. A tip to the then Governor Giuliani moved his staff
early that day away from the crashing towers before they crashed. They needed
to keep their fall guy alive.
17. Is all the gold that
is talked about (millions of tons) in the hands of the good? Can you expand on
Neil Keenan and his lawsuits? They make sense and we have to take the system
down WITH the rules of the system, so is this the final straw (that lawsuit and
the liens on the federal reserve banks)?
millions of tons of gold have been robbed from the rich and moved to storage in
the hands of my own men. This was done in broad daylight and took years to
accomplish. Some slight of hand was employed. This gold is held in chambers in
several locations in several countries and guarded by military working for me.
NESARA Law was signed after the United States Supreme Court declared fraud in
banking systems not only in the United States but also banks with accounts in
other countries. This Law required the arrest of all involved in the original
fraud and land schemes. Millions and millions of dollars in fraud was robbed
from the people. This is why there will be reparations (prosperity) - it is the
settlement for the suit. The Keenan Lawsuit and liens on the federal reserve
banks are too big to keep out of the media. The media control of spoon feeding
what the cabal wants you to know have deleted many more arrests and lawsuits -
happening nonetheless behind the scenes - from the public eye. The rules of the
system are working to dissolve the entire banking system now in place.
18. The numbers that are
being tossed around are a lot less than the 10 followed by 43 zeroes that
NESARA seems to ensure. Can you expand on why these numbers don't seem to add
up? I think some people think NESARA is BS simply because of the sheer size of
the numbers.
numbers being tossed around are guesses. The books from the NESARA Law were
sealed to protect the lives of those who made it a success. NESARA Law took
almost 20 years to make it through the courts and several White Knights were
killed in the process. President Obama and his family continue to have death
threats everyday. When the President was visiting Columbia, there was an
attempt on his life from a Secret Service Agent. This man conned his way
through the entire vetting process, which is extensive for one mission, to end
finally the Presidency which will enact NESARA Law. Joe Biden is working with
the dark cabal and was one responsible for 9/11. He is in place, so he may be
kept in his place. The next day the Secret Service was ripped apart from the
seams. There was a silly sex scandal story put in place to hide the truth and
further protect the President. Heads rolled. Some people think NESARA is made
up because they do not have eyes which see. There are detailed explanations on
the internet explaining the almost 20 year process involved in signing NESARA
Law which are true. It is the massive fleecing of America which is really hard
to believe. In many ways it cancels all we have stood for our whole lives - the
whole lie about freedom not being free, Apple Pie and Mom is always right. We
blow all our programming of what was held dear in the past generation by
believing in NESARA. That is what is hard for Souls to take. Our parents,
teachers, government, military, doctors, professors, scientists and priests all
lied to us and they did know better. We face up to that and we end the illusion
and gain true freedom.
Hold Your Vision For Change. It is inevitable NOW!
This is St. Germain
September 7, 2012 © All
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