Saturday, September 22, 2012

Bix Weir: Friday Road Trip 9/21/2012

Banksters Are Touting Gold and Silver - Another Con?
Lately every "banking metal analyst" is touting how high gold and silver are about to go. It's across the board and it should send shivers down your spine! Even Kitco, the mothership of gold and silver disinfo, is touting the looming PM rise...

Kitco's Hug: Expect Silver To Hit $50/oz If Gold Surpasses $2000/oz; Buy The Dips For Both

"If the Fed continues to be accommodative to the economy, and interest rates stay at zero through 2015, there is a realistic chance of seeing gold in the $2,200 to $2,400 range. If gold got to those levels, I can see silver in the $53 to $55 range."

I have been clear as possible as to why Kitco is anti-gold and anti-silver and it lies in their Pooled Account programs. They are a con. 100%. They use fraction reserve metal to orchestrate this con. This program was INVENTED by none other than Jon Nadler when he was at BofA, then the Perth Mint, then Kitco and the Royal Bank of Canada. That is the reason the Kitco and Nadler are always so bearish on the PM's. If there is a moonshot in the metals THEY ALL GO TO JAIL because they don't have the metal to back up their Pooled Accounts.

There are leaks all over the "stored metal" complex and it's not just the precious metals....

Exclusive: Ghost warehouse stocks haunt China's steel sector
Chinese banks and companies looking to seize steel pledged as collateral by firms that have defaulted on loans are making an uncomfortable discovery: the metal was never in the warehouses in the first place.

Of course JP Morgan over the past few years has become the largest metal warehouse owner in the world! And they use it as leverage whenever they can...

Exclusive: JP Morgan adds muscle to metal warehousing money
Investment bank JP Morgan (JPM.N) is bulking up its metal warehousing facilities in Rotterdam and Chicago, industry sources say, in a business that consumers complain deliberately delays delivery of metals to boost revenues from rent.

London Metal Exchange rules allow warehouse companies to release only a fraction of their inventories per day, much less than is regularly taken in for storage, creating long queues to get metal out and guaranteeing rental income.

JP Morgan's aim is to fill its Henry Bath warehousing arm with inventory in the two port cities large enough to rival trading house Glencore's (GLEN.L) Pacorini and U.S. bank Goldman Sachs'(GS.N) Metro.

The Pacorini and Metro facilities in Vlissingen, Netherlands and Detroit combined are estimated to hold around half of the global London Metal Exchange (LME) aluminium stocks which stand at just under 5 million tonnes.

Sources at JPM say the bank is pursuing a strategy to consolidate warehousing in the two locations to create the next Detroit or Vlissingen. A JPMorgan spokesman declined to comment.

"They (JPMorgan) are rebuilding stocks again," a high-level industry source in the Netherlands said.
Complaints about long queues, particularly in Detroit, prompted the LME to raise minimum delivery rates - 3,000 tonnes a day for operators with stocks of over 900,000 tonnes in one city - but traders and analysts say the new rules will make little difference when they come into effect in April.
The JPM strategy is likely to inflame consumers and traders already angry about the influence of warehousing companies on the flow of metal. END

There is no end to the cons going on these days. The ONLY way to stop them is to implode the entire system and start fresh.

And the best way to do that is buying physical silver and taking delivery!

The Curtain Has Been Pulled Away...on PHYSICAL!
For years I have marveled at the TRUST shown by both physical metal dealers and physical metal buyers. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY really checks to see if they are getting the real thing when they buy and sell physical. If it says .999 people think "It must be true...cuz it says it right on the bar!"

It's insane but it's always been the case...until now. May I present the END of trust in physical metal...

New York News | NYC Breaking News

How A Manhattan Jeweler Wound Up With Gold Bars Filled With Tungsten
Ten ounce bars are thicker, making them harder to detect if counterfeited -- the standard X-rays used by dealers don't penetrate deep enough.

Plus, the bars had been sealed and numbered. So whoever did this must be running an extremely sophisticated operation, Fadl said.

"It's a shame. This business is built on trust."

The FBI and Secret Service are investigating the incident, but Fadl wonders whether it's within their power to curb the practice, given the incentives involved.

"With the higher price, I am sure there's a lot of this stuff," he said. "People are bringing in anything shiny and trying to sell it."

But there's a difference between selling anything, and this level of forgery.

As Felix Salmon noted in his post from March:

...the economic incentives here are so enormous, for people looking to make a fortune in the fake-gold-bar industry, that I very much doubt no one has tried. And statistically speaking, if a bunch of people have tried, then some subset of those people will have succeeded.

Fadl says he bought the counterfeit from a Russian merchant who'd bought from him previously. He did not provide the merchant's name and said the man had already returned to his home country.

We talked with several other merchants on 47th Street who said they heard about Fadl's ordeal but remained unconcerned.Most said they only buy from merchants they know.


Are you kidding me?! Someone was just ripped off for tens of thousands of dollars on a bar of gold that can only be analyzed if it is destroyed and buyers remain "unconcerned"??! Has the whole world gone STUPID?

All this tells me the END GAME is upon us and it is important to make sure that what you have in physical metal is REAL. That's why my #1 most important recommendation is to buy 1oz and lower coins preferably silver and preferably pre-1965 US Mint coins. They are smaller and much harder to fake.

Although I like 1oz Eagles as well...the best and safest is the pre-1965 coins.

If you are concerned that you own some fake bars you can either test them (which is difficult even with an xray test) OR go and swap them in for some silver coins and take all the worry out!

How the VALUE of Any Commodity Can Drop Through The Floor Overnight
For those of you that think that gold and silver can NEVER drop in price you are forgetting the most important risk to any commodity price...A HUGE IN THE GROUND FIND OF YOUR SCARCE COMMODITY!

Just look at what hit the wires in the diamond market...

Russian asteroid crater revealed to be filled with over $1 quadrillion of diamonds

Sure, it's just a hole. But it's the richest hole in the world

Call it the Soviet Union's most valuable cold war secret. This past weekend, Russia declassified the existence of what could very well be the richest diamond field in existence, located in the depths of a 62-mile diameter asteroid crater known as Popigai Astroblem in Siberia.

The diamonds found in the Popigai Astroblem are known as "impact diamonds." They're created when a meteor strikes a graphite deposit, as happened there an estimated 35 million years ago. Impact diamonds are significantly harder than normal diamonds, and are best suited for industrial or scientific use.

Given that diamonds can sell for $2,000 per karat with unusually large diamonds going for as much as $20 million, a discovery of "trillions of karats" could value this hole in the quadrillions of dollars. Of course, a diamond discovery of this magnitude is almost sure to have a serious downward impact in the per-karat price should full-scale mining operations ever begin.


So the price of diamonds are sure to fall even though the Bad Guys have rigged their prices for hundreds of years. makes you wonder if Putin is announcing this now to further weaken the Bad Guys? Hmmm.

Of course this could never happen with gold...or could it??

June 19, 1912...

"Men engaged in gold dredging operations expect to astonish the world."

"I know that it will be difficult to comprehend that I have a correct comprehension of the wealth that is buried in the banks of the Colorado Canyon," he says, "but I can demonstrate every statement I make to be absolutely true, and that my chief shortcoming is an inability to comprehend the vastness of the riches that lie along that great stream."

""Exposed to sight are billions of yards of this silt, containing more billions of dollars in wealth of precious metal than the human mind can possibly grasp in computation."

Stunning isn't it?! What would BILLIONS of ounces of gold do to the VALUE of money at the time...which was gold and silver coin?! Is it any wonder that this find was never heard from again and the area discussed in the New York Times article was immediately put under wraps. To this day NOBODY is allowed in. NOT EVEN PRESIDENTS as Bush and Obama have tried to get their hands on it.

Is it a coincidence that the Federal Reserve was allowed to be created a little over a year later? Could this be the REASON FOR EVERYTHING we now have in our distorted un-backed fiat monetary system?

Does the vast riches of gold in the Grand Canyon lay in wait like Roota what saw on page 5 of Wishes and Rainbows?!

Fed Boston "Wishes and Rainbows"
The sesrets of the world are being revealed at just the right time.
Let's hope we are smart enough to recognize the truth.

You MUST Listen to This if you think Gold is Scarce
The massive con job circling around scarcity in the gold world is stunning. Gigantic fraud. There is so much hidden gold above and below ground it is shocking. By my off-the-cuff calculation is way over 2 MILLION TONS! Yes TONS! The official number is around 170k tons so you can imagine what will happen when the truth is uncovered.

Sterling Seagrave recently gave an interview about his research in writing Gold Warriors about Yamashita's hidden gold and you can find it here:"/>
Anybody who says Yamashita's gold is a lie has not done even the smallest bit of homework on the facts. I own the three disks of proof that Sterling talks about in this interview and it is all true and backed up with pictures, government documents, Congressional testimony and loads of other facts. It is true and you should believe it.

If you own gold don't worry too will do "ok" when the monetary system implodes. But it won't come CLOSE to the rise in Silver which has the exact opposite problem...IT IS MASSIVELY MORE SCARE THAN REPORTED!

When all is said and done silver will FLY past the per ounce price of gold. It won't even be close.
Have you swapped your gold for silver yet? If you haven't you need to read these...

Golden Secrets
Melt The Witch

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

I'm not going to mince words is TIME for the Good Guys to take down the Bad Guys. There are signs that it is happening but at a slower pace than desired. Having said that one of the prime objectives of this process is to have leadership in place to guide us through the transition away from unbacked fiat money and back to our Constitutional money of gold and silver coin. In there lies a definable timeline for certain things to happen and the following is my take on this timeline using my Road to Roota Theory as my guide.

DISCLAIMER: I know how dangerous it is to try and predict the future and I do not claim that I will be 100% correct. As a matter of fact history has shown that although much of what I have predicted has transpired, it usually happens later than my predicted time and the final take down has yet to materialize. But that does not stop people from being interested in my timeline analysis and I have always held that it's much better to be prepared early than trying to prepare a second late.

September - After the disappointment of Ron Paul not gaining the nomination of the Republican Party many have given up all hope on Ron getting elected. I believe they have given up hope too soon and as the Global Monetary Meltdown kicks into high gear Ron Paul and his ideas will come streaming back into the headlines. It is clear to me that Ron has NOT given up yet and will be ready when called upon. 

I believe the "destroyer" of fiat money will be the meltdown of the derivatives markets. That is why they were allowed to go completely unregulated for decades. That is why they were allowed to get so big. The ideal timing for the derivative implosion would begin September as that would force the losses to be announced in October - before the election. If the pain starts in October it may not come to light until January 2013 and by then it will be too late to have the proper leadership in place.

So keep an eye on September for the market breakdown to become visible.

October - We will likely see the long awaited silver moon shot in October as there are many forces converging. Not the least of which is the very tight supply of physical silver in quantity. There will also be a simultaneous announcement of the JP Morgan silver investigation results (guilty! guilty! guilty!) and the implementation of position limits for the spot month that will go into effect on October 12th. Yes, I believe the CFTC will FINALLY come through for silver investors in October! Bart Chilton, Gary Gensler and Mark Wetjen will be the ones that pull the plug on JP Morgan.
Having said that, it's hard to imagine how any markets can function when the market rigging for gold and silver is stopped. First of all it would destroy the largest banks in the world and cause a downward spiral that is totally and completely unrecoverable. This is what they mean by "too big to fail"...the consequence of failure is the destruction of the entire fiat monetary system almost over night.

But if it doesn't happen over night then watch for what I laid out in the following article to happen at a very fast pace:

Confirmation From "The Insider"
I believe there is a high likelihood that the European Union and the Euro will totally fall apart in October. It's been happening for years but the final blow is about to come down. Once this happens it will be a matter of weeks before it hits the US just as hard. The large banks are knee deep in European derivatives thinking they had "hedged" themselves properly but there is no bank in the world that can backstop hundreds of trillions in losses. Not even the Federal Reserve Bank!
From what I see most of the chaos will happen in October. It may be an immediate shutdown of the entire banking system or it may play out over a matter of weeks but watch for a sea-change to hit in October such that the people of the US understand that everything is NOT fine in our monetary world. It's all broken.

November - If the chaos hits in October as hard as I expect then the Bad Guys will be on their knees by election time and we will all turn to Ron Paul. Let's face it, what he has foreseen concerning the breakdown of the fiat monetary system HAS NOT HAPPENED TO DATE and that's why his message doesn't resonate with most of the people. IF we do have the financial meltdown in October then EVERYONE will turn to Ron for the answers.

Those of you thinking it's too late for him to get on a ballot are underestimating the Good Guys. They know about all the vote rigging and can reveal evidence proving the fraud at the drop of a hat. There would be an instant ban on using electronic voting machines and everyone will be allowed to use the absentee ballots where you can write in a candidate. Every state would be required to allow write-in candidates for the Presidency as is the basis of our Constitution...that we are free individuals an have the right to vote for whomever we want and not just one of two party candidates. That is what Drake has discussed in some of his latest interviews and I believe that is the plan of the Good Guys. An ARMY of voters will line up around the block with pens in hand ready to vote for Ron Paul. I can see it now...long lines to vote with people holding their pens high in the air signaling their defiance of the system and their vote for Ron Paul. This will happen all around the nation so there will be no doubt who the rightful winner will be!

Get ready for it.

The rest of November should be very, very chaotic as the sea change continues. At some point there will be a banking holiday as countries around the world try to figure out what to do. Be prepared to hunker down for a while. I have given my advice about this type of situation here:

December - After the crash and the election everything is contingent upon how quickly the transition is made. It won't be without chaos and rioting and death but we will get through this. At the other end of the tunnel lies a beautiful place where government is removed from our lives and we are allowed to live the way we were born: free and independent. 

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

- Thomas Jefferson

I will update this timeline as events unfold. Until then...
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Bix Weir
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 10:49 AM
To: Yvonne Garcia
Subject: SPECIAL REPORT: 90 Day Timeline on the Road to RootA!

I'm not going to mince words is TIME for the Good Guys to take down the Bad Guys. There are signs that it is happening but at a slower pace than desired. Having said that one of the prime objectives of this process is to have leadership in place to guide us through the transition away from unbacked fiat money and back to our Constitutional money of gold and silver coin. In there lies a definable timeline for certain things to happen and the following is my take on this timeline using my Road to Roota Theory as my guide. Here is the report for Private Road Members:

SPECIAL REPORT: 90 Day Timeline on the Road to RootA!

DISCLAIMER: I know how dangerous it is to try and predict the future and I do not claim that I will be 100% correct. As a matter of fact history has shown that although much of what I have predicted has transpired, it usually happens later than my predicted time frame and the final take down has yet to materialize. But that does not stop people from being interested in my timeline analysis and I have always held that it's much better to be prepared early than trying to prepare a second too late.

To sign up for the Private Road and gain access to the Timeline article as well as over 1,000 others (can't believe I've hit 1,000!) click on the link below:

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir