Saturday, September 15, 2012

Benjamin Fulford: Update #2

The following people have been recorded as saying they nearly got me killed when I was stabbed with a needle in June: Leo Zagami, Daniel Dal Bosco, Vincenzo Mazzara, according to the CIA and Swiss authorities. In addition, they say they have sent 6 individuals to Japan to kill me. 

Ignore the disinformation about Xi Jinping having gone missing, says a senior Chinese source. The 9 members of the new politburo have been selected as previously announced and the transition is proceeding smoothly, he says. 

The real reason for the widely published disinformation is that he snubbed Hillary Clinton when she went on a recent begging mission to China. 

The United States Corporation is scrambling to avoid bankruptcy when its September 30 fiscal year ends. Perhaps they should talk to the White Dragon Society and we can get them some gold on the condition they stop all their mayhem.