Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Oracle Report – Daily Energetic Analysis During the Time of Enlightenment, August 11-12, 2012


Third Quarter Moon Phase – Moon in Gemini

We remain in the Third Quarter phase of the Sun, Moon, and Earth throughout the weekend.  Third Quarter phases are actually the last phase of the energy that was “seeded” or present back during the New Moon phase, the New Moon in Cancer on July 19th – the month of the massive cardinal energy that turned things in other directions.  Third Quarter Moon phases are configured for reassessing

They give us the chance to see what we need to do differently.  We see that the form of some things must change.  This can be a wondrous thing and it can be a sad thing, depending on the emotions attached to what has changed.  This is all about resonance.  It’s electro-magnetic.  If you are reading this site, you can’t deny that a wave of change swept through the collective over the past month of turning points!  We watched it and felt it.  This was a wave generated by the location of the Earth in the sky (and the angles it was making to the planets) and the power of the Sun.  So now we are able to understand the resonance factor in all that has transpired this month.  We are beginning to see where things truly belong in our lives.  Saturday is shamanic energy par excellence.  Sunday’s energy is rapid and buzzy and will really engage the brain’s processes.  (Remember that the brain is a receiver/transmitter.)  The Universe is going to engage minds on Sunday, so we want to “ground” that by being outside and conscious of the natural world.  As this is being written, the yellow bird that was on yesterday’s photo just showed up.  I don’t even recall seeing that bird in these parts before.  True story.

Here’s a look ahead at where this is going:  Monday begins the Balsamic phase.  This is the phase that prepares the way for the new energy of the Sun, Moon, and Earth.  It is a spiritual time – a time when we are quieter and receptive.  We easily tune in to the mind of Gaia (and the minds of the Galactic Center since they are now in communication).  The Moon will pass through the end of Gemini and oppose the Galactic Center on Sunday, August 12 around 9:00 pm EDT/ Monday, August 13th at 1:00 am UTC, opening things up full throttle.  This receptive time will continue with a big upgrade on Wednesday, and will then filter into the New Moon on Friday.

The Oracle Report