We also need the opportunity to address you directly
and with the approval of your Leaders. Rest assured that they are well aware of
our existence, and that we have been in contact with them for many years. The
time for rejecting the peace that we bring to you is over, and they must set aside
any prejudice or political ambitions. They must also step outside of the
constraints placed upon them by the Illuminati, and open the doors to real
freedom for the people. Leaders are supposed to lead and carry out the wishes
of the people, but few if any do what they were elected for. We issue an edict
that they must change or be changed, and we have suitable replacements lined
Our actions are not in anyway interference with your
elected officials and would not even need to be considered, if they had
correctly carried out their duties and responsibilities to you. Greed for
wealth and the desire to wield power has long motivated the people in high
positions. It has corrupted so many people around them, so much so that they
have become afraid to stand up for the truth. Events such as 9/11 could never
have been perpetrated and got away with if not for great collusion. We know
that following your conscience and the promptings of your Higher Self, can
bring the weight of the dark Ones upon you. They use blackmail and direct
threats to keep you in your place, and it indeed takes a brave person to
confront them.
You may ask why they are not protected by the Light,
but of course what they experience fits in with their life plan. Some great
souls sacrifice their life to ground positive energies upon the Earth, which is
often a greater achievement than if they had seen their life out as normal. All
of you have an arranged time to leave the Earth, and for example if you are to
experience longevity you will be placed in a family that has it. Even accidents
that enable a soul to leave the Earth are part of a life plan that serves their
interests. There is sometimes a need for certain types of experiences that
fulfill karmic needs. We know you find it hard to understand that a soul would
agree to such an arrangement, but it is crystal clear when you are out of the
body before you incarnate.
Dear Ones all of your experiences are planned to
further your evolution, and even now with the approach of Ascension you are still
learning. You are beginning to realize the depth to which the dark Ones can
drop, whilst at the same time understanding how to gather more Light to
yourselves. With it you are being asked to forgive those who have abused you
and taken way your freedom and rights. Your response will be a sign of how far
you have evolved, and give you one of the biggest lessons that you will learn
from your physical experiences. If you are sufficiently evolved you will be
able to do it, as you will understand the Oneness that binds you all together.
You are all responsible for each other and you should set judgment aside, as
you cannot possibly know why another soul has taken on a particular life
You were eager to be on the Earth for its final time
in duality and particularly your last life, so that you could experience the
wonderful thrill of ascending. The story has yet to fully unwind but you will
soon have the truth placed before you. By then the interference of the dark
Ones will have been removed, as their power and hold over will no longer exist.
Currently arrests are occurring that will lead to that end, and also enable
changes to go ahead that might otherwise have been impossible. Meanwhile our
allies are busy setting up the structure for our greater activity in your
affairs, and all we seek to go further ahead is an official announcement of our
existence. Once that has been made everything else will follow on quite
In one way or another we want to see our presence
acknowledged, and there is ample time for us to arrange that ourselves if we
need to. We still see the Olympic stage as giving you the greatest show on
Earth, and we would like to be a part of it. We have set the deadline for
Disclosure, but would rather that it came from one of your leaders. Once it has
been achieved we would hope to be invited to meet your leaders, and be
officially introduced to you. We cannot wait indefinitely and is why we are
pushing the issue into the open. The time for persuasion has run out and so we
look to other methods to achieve our goals.
We are overwhelmed by the great response we are
getting from you the people, and we trust your eagerness to meet us is being
noted by those in power. Their reluctance to act is all about keeping their
power, and they know that eventually they will have to bow down to your wishes.
Your approach to the matter is very apt inasmuch that you are badgering your
authorities by placing your demands under their noses. They may ignore your
petitions but in the end will have to concede to your demands. Those who still
try to stand in your way will be removed, and replaced with those who are
honest and trustworthy.
Keep your Light shining out and go with the flow, and
know that absolutely nothing will be allowed to prevent you ascending. So do
not get disturbed or downhearted when things do not seem to be going right. All
will turn out well in the end so keep positive and do not fall for the tricks
of the dark Ones, who will try to score off any uncertainty you display.
Support those who are of the Light and band together in unity and strength.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you to know we are
never out of touch with what is going on, and trust that even if you are
unaware of it, we are working for your peace and freedom. We send our love and
blessings to you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.