Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Revisit: USA Government Representative Whistleblows About Eisenhower Briefing With Extraterrestrials

 According to some respected UFO researchers as Ph. D. Michael Salla, Richard Dolan and Dr. Stanton Friedman, in 1954 the president of USA, Dwight Eisenhower and military person, had a series of secret meetings with some different groups of alien beings at Edwards AFB, in California and at Holloman AFB, in New Mexico. These meetings have been confirmed by many whistleblowers and former military, as John Lear, Bill Cooper, Phil Schneider and Bob Dean, after supposed documents of CIA/MJ-12 program, have been leaked to civilian people. This year, a former representative of US government, Henry McELroy, has made a public statement claiming have read these documents, the so called "Eisenhower brief" and confirming the existence of extraterrestrials in USA for at least 50 years. I've gathered some info and put it in this video, so that you can analyze and judge by yourself.

To further investigation: