Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Q&A with Drunvalo: Episode 6

Enerchi Commentary

Did anyone catch Drunvalo's comment starting at 6:35 and at 7:10?

"Most people are simply going to die." at 7:10

I listened to this part multiple times. Not sure if I am getting Drunvalo's understanding of the Ascension process.  Please clarify in the comment section if I am misinterpreting these answers given by DM.

Drunvalo is saying that many people are going to die during the transition into the higher dimensions, also known as Ascension, because they are not consciously ready and have not trained in creating a merkaba energy field?

If this is his belief, I must say it is quite negative.  Is this not fear porn?

I don't buy into this type of ascension process of "the only way to save oneself is by meditating and making a merkaba energy field in order to ascend".  I believe this is what he is being told by his Ascended Master and collective Hive Mind consciousness known as Melchizedek to disclose to his followers.

I think it is great that Drunvalo is trying to help people but I do not resonate at all with his teachings or meditation techniques.

Does anyone see a deception playing out here?

Please tell me your thoughts and opinions about DM in the comment sections.

~ enerchi