Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Video of UFO from the Olympic Closing Ceremonies…

Stephen Hannard seems to be the go-to guy on YouTube for UFO footage. I had a feeling the broadcast delay I saw would be scrubbed clean of any evidence of an extraterrestrial visitor. It’s nice to see our Galactic family was there after all, punctuating the beginning and end of the Games. I felt so strongly they would be.

UFO During Olympic Closing Ceremony (Witness and Video)

One of the subscribers of StephenhannardADGUK (George Harveston) sent Stephen a footage which he recorded using his cell phone from the TV. He was unsure if he spotted something or not, so he asked Stephen to have a look. There is definitely an object there.

Not only George Harveston saw a fast moving object. Also N3m3sis, subscriber of ‘The Truth Behind The Scenes’  witnessed a strange and unknown phenomenon.

Witness N3m3sis: “I live about a quarter mile from the Olympic stadium and the structure is in direct line of sight from my front door.

Last night (closing ceremony), shortly before the first set of fireworks went off, in the sky was one helicopter and the airship which was beaming pictures of the closing ceremony. High above them was a bright (for the relative altitude) orange light moving very slowly from west to east, over the Olympic stadium.

The orange phenomenon, moved into a thin wisp of cloud that was slowly moving from north to south over the stadium……. and did not exit out the other side of the cloud!

I watched this with my own eyes. As I was waiting (in vain) for the light to re-appear another helicopter appeared (military-looking) and swept around from the north to west at a much higher altitude than the previous helicopter (still present by the way), and it stopped in front of the wisp of cloud the light had disappeared into, shining a high -powered search light at the cloud, which by that time had moved over the stadium and was continuing northwards.

The airship held its position and had stopped sweeping around the stadium and the original helicopter came around from east to west and held position relative to the cloud formation facing west.

The orange phenomenon did not re-appear. The Military helicopter did 2 sweeps of the area and then flew away again. I witnessed this from the ground and to give you all a time check for the beginning of the event, it happened about 2 minutes before the IOC Chairman began his closing speech.
Both the helicopters were in the air as he gave the speech, the Black military looking one, still shining its headlight at the thin cloud formation where the orange ball of light had disappeared. My wife also saw the light as it was slowly approaching the stadium from the west.”

Related article: Two UFOs above Olympics London 2012 Confirmed

Source and author:  * N3m3sis Olympic Source