When we
speak of building bridges we speak of connecting not only people, but worlds
and galaxies throughout this ever expansive universe we all share together.
What you do today and how you treat each other and get a long with each other will
have lasting effects for many eons to come, as you are making connections,
forging bonds and creating ties with these representatives from other worlds,
some of whom are allies, friends, and who have partnerships in many ventures, though
some of those who you are interacting with through your online circles are
representatives from worlds that your home worlds may not have a very conducive
or amicable partnership with, as some of these worlds have warred with each
other and have had long-standing disagreements that have been, up until now,
difficult for them to overcome to begin to more peaceably, friendly, cooperatively
and productively work together and strengthen their bonds.
When you
find yourself in perhaps a weaker moment of frustration and choose to insult
another or allow yourself to fall into a tirade with another throughout your
online communities, you are doing much more than disrespecting someone, you are
disrespecting representatives who are the ambassadors of these other worlds.
You are helping to destroy bridges that have been carefully and meticulously
built through the efforts of so many for so long. It is as if you are picking
up a sledgehammer and driving it in to the blocks that have been so perfectly
pieced together. Do you understand this? Do you understand what kind of
destruction you are doing each and every day when you choose to treat others
poorly, disrespectfully, insultingly, meanly, rudely, unkindly and unforgivingly?
We say to you again, all of you, do your best to be on your best behavior. Find
a way to be as polite as you can even if others are showing disrespect for you.
We ask you to help us continue to build these beautiful bridges and not help
destroy them, for it is these bridges that we will be walking across in
friendship and working partnerships with others for many eons of time to come
in this universe.
Thank you
for your cooperation in this matter. When all is said and done and our mission
here on Earth reaches its climax, all of you by that time will have a better
understanding of where it is you all come from, your past histories together,
and why your work here, which involves how you get along with each other and
how you treat each other, is so vitally important and is the lifeline of this
living and breathing universe.
Today we would
like to begin to speak more in depth about the project to construct seawalls
off the coasts of several areas around your planet. Many have asked where it is
we will be constructing these protective barriers, and we would like to answer
you at this time by saying that we will be building these barriers in many
areas, beginning with the state of Florida in the United States. This is a very
suitable place to begin, as this is one area that we feel will certainly
receive rising sea levels as there are geophysical abnormalities off of this
coast that will be repaired, in a way, reconstructed, as your planet heals
herself from her 3rd dimensional wounds. This is an area where there has been
much confusion and mystery throughout your fairly recent history going back over
one hundred years or more. It is here in this area that many planes, ships and
lives have been lost in what you have come to refer to as the Bermuda Triangle.
It is here
in this area that there our great mudslides occurring on the ocean floor, and
it is due to these mudslides that so many planes and ships that have gone down
have seemingly disappeared. They have not truly disappeared, but in reality
they have been buried so and have been carried away by moving sea floors to
other locations, some very far away from where these vessels originally went
down. This is one of the reasons why this mystery has survived for so long, as
much of the wreckage of these maritime accidents has been washed away. It is
these sea floors in this area that are a problem, as deep below them are
tectonic plates that are highly unstable in this area. It is these tectonic
plates that are one of the larger geophysical problems on your planet. These tectonic
plates must be repositioned, re-solidified and reattached in some areas to each
other. This is a great undertaking, and this undertaking will cause
disturbances in and around the waters of this particular area.
This is not
too hard to imagine, is it dear ones? It is too hard to imagine that this one
area that many of you know so well as an area of many accidents, catastrophes
and great mystery is an area where something is going on? We are at this time
explaining to you only one of the things that are going on in this area, as
there is something else going on in this area that we shall speak to you about
at a later date as for now it is beyond the scope of what we are discussing
with you today. What we are disclosing with you today is that this area of your
planet has what we shall refer to as ‘faulty’ sea floors, where these floors
shift and slide unmercifully at times, causing great disturbances in not only
your seabeds, but the surrounding waters as well. When these waters get
disturbed so suddenly and so greatly, you can imagine why there are so many
ships that have gone down in this area, many without having the time to send a
distress signal.
records are well preserved and can be examined by anyone in your world. When
one looks at these records one will find this abnormality, if you will, in
maritime accidents in this area, and that many of these crewmembers of these
ships had little or no time to send a distress signal. This should demonstrate
fairly clearly that whatever was happening out there in the ocean waters happened
suddenly. It was not a storm these ships came upon, but it was something else,
and that something else was torrential seas caused by great movements in the
ocean floor which began when the unstable tectonic plates began to shift
suddenly and moved a great distance in a relatively short period of time.
What we wish
to do and we feel is very necessary is to build a reasonably high seawall in
this area, giving protection to this area in the case that when repairs begin
of these tectonic plates and the ocean floors above them causing a great
disturbance in the waters, this water will not pile up and surge towards the unprotected
shorelines of this part of your world. Do you understand this, dear ones? Have
we been clear on this? This is why we will begin our seawall project with you
in this area, as we feel this area will see more evidence of sea surges than
any other area. We feel, however, the seawall we will construct with you will
be suitable and adequate protection for this area. We feel this explanation
will appease at least some of the minds in your world who currently are firmly
rooted in a place of disbelief and distrust about our previous discussions with
you on this subject.
Please carry
on now with your day keeping in mind while you interact with others just who it
is they may be, where it is they may come from and who it is they may
represent, as in the end you may be very well surprised to learn just who it is
you have befriended, and unfortunately in some cases, you will learn who it is
you have been mistreating, as there are many surprises in store for you dear
ones and learning the true identities of yourselves, of your friends and all
those you have been interacting with throughout your online communities is just
one of many wonderful and incredible surprises that await you. We are one of
the surprises in store for you, for many of you will be quite surprised to
discover just who it is we really are.
We are your
friends and your families of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we hope you
like surprises.
As channeled
through Greg Giles