Saturday, August 11, 2012

Kauilapele: Cosmis Vision News Radio Show - 8-10-12

Here are highlights which Geoff has posted at the CVN Show site.
  1. Update on Mohawk Nation territorial claim of sovereignty in Canada
  2. Financial updates: Standard Chartered Bank; Iraq Dinar reval; PUT options put on US/EU markets and banking resignation from Cyprus
  3. U.S. political news: Green Party and Justice Party
  4. Science news: Betelgeuse star losing mass; discovery of a solar system that has aligned orbits similar to our own.
  5. Opening of Lion’s Gate star portal; nine days of Awakening Light (8-11 to 8-20-12) and harmonic convergence celebration at Mt. Shasta
  6. August energy forecast from Lee Harris
  7. Heaven On Earth project for writers and authors
  8. Commentary – Comparison of channeled info to mainstream media sources
More detailed information about the show’s topics may be viewed at
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MP3s were volume leveled and boosted. The mp3s below are already configured for upload to iPod, iPhone, MP3 player.
MP3s (each part, 30 min., 5 MB) (volume leveled and boosted)
Part 1
Part 2
Complete show (with music) (1 hr., 10 MB)
Radio Show Link:
Current show (8-10-12):
Show summary: