Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Gordan Duff - Game Changing Tech & Pandora's Box Will Be Opened

A primitive anti-gravity technology is going commercial.  We have been reporting on fusion technologies that are total game changers.  This isn’t there yet, development stage, limited power, limited time.

Here are the basics I can give out:

The tech can eliminate “mass” from, let us say, a moving vehicle, on command, for a short period of time,  Cars could turn corners at 80 mph.  Trains could go through curves by transferring weight or eliminating mass, car by car, for a few seconds at a time.

This is a breakthrough “science fiction” tech, but not up to “flying saucer” level work, not by a long shot.

Applications in the defense sector are mind boggling and improvements could end how Newtonian Physics work in our world entirely.

Right now, your Tahoe can carry a ton of kitty litter through a corner, flat and smooth, full bore. But there is one problem. Do you have a million dollars for an SUV?

These two technologies, these and dense plasma hydrogen boron fission exist…others too. All are suppressed, some potentially destabilizing, all moving into the public sector and Pandora’s box will be open.
I am on the new collider team, albeit counting pennies and looking at vacant land for Adamus Group.  We are creating tech that will make dreams come true if allowed.”Allowing” is well beyond my pay-grade.