Anonymous Vietnam Vet Returns with a riveting update to his experiences with the military industrial complex and E.T.s. Continue reading below for his story.
========================================================By: Anonymous Vietnam Veteran

For the record... my personal battle with the military, being controlled by the military complex corporations and those that support the lawmakers to keep them in business, is and has been my destiny from the day I was 'abducted' by an alien species. This ET species was trying to prevent our military from possessing a WMD weapon that was acquired from... A CRASHED UFO! That crashed spacecraft was shot down by another ET species, which has been involved with the US military since 1953. That was the year that President Eisenhower... UNCONDITIONALLY SURRENDERED our planet... to the ET species that made first contact, under the declared purpose to control the planet for their own use. Or they would ultimately destroy our species regardless of the objection. They told 'Ike'... that their plan was going to take 50 to 100 years to evolve for their purposes.
How I know this... is from the part of my 'abduction' in 1976, which I was then 'manipulated' through telepathic mind control by that ET species... to intervene and perform a clandestine 'mission'... FOR that ET species. They gave me the impression through their 'telepathy' on me... was that their enemy from another part of this galaxy arrived here first, to build their species up for future conflict with them (these ET's). Our government was compromised before I was even born. Our military has been told to keep this from being a public fact, or suffer the dire consequences!
My opinion and personal "on hands" experience, being involved with that incident at Fort Polk... by these ET's intervening... gave me the choice of "FREE WILL"... to live my life out knowing all these years... that I helped prevent total extinction of our human species! But I did it for one major reason, other than being human, is the fact that what they did "show me"... was a future that would ultimately lead me into permanent slavery... as a soldier under control by a vicious alien species... who's only purpose in their existence, was to be destructive through violent means!
To further the comment... my participation caused a ripple in the time frame for the 'enemy' ET's... from obtaining technology that was more advanced than what was in their possession or knowledge at that time! It was mandatory for the ET's I was assisting to prevent that from happening, or a cosmic battle of epic proportions was imminent.
I was rewarded for my help! I was spared slavery. I was given physic abilities to keep my destiny on the path that... I CHOSE TO WALK ON! The only downfall from this event... is the fact that I was permanently cast into the society we live in... as an UNDER OTHER THAN HONORABLE former soldier/citizen of the United States of America!
My point being made is this:
It is too late to stand up and fight! The military has more power than you can ever imagine. The long term plan implemented in the mid 1950's is still ongoing. My "gift" from above came to pass, just as "they" told me would occur! The final statement from this post is this...
WE HAVE 14 YEARS LEFT... before our species becomes extinct! Take it as advice... not a promise!
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