Vietnam Vet Speaks Out About His Experiences With Military Propaganda
By: Anonymous Vietnam Veteran

Being a former Vietnam vet myself, and over the past 36 years collecting my own data and information for my own knowledge (not trusting military or government people), and living those years in complete fear of the power our government really does have...(due to my involvement with an ET incident after the Nam war and being covered up when I was tossed out), brings me to the conclusion that DRAKE and everyone connected to this 'CABAL' removal... is all an orchestrated plan all along! David Wilcock was pulled into the plan over the years, because he is the most prominent writer in our current society that has established himself with trust, and a fan base in the millions of people. Regardless of whether or not he is telling the truth at all!
The most important fact that I've personally been involved with, or seen at other times, is knowing that our world economy has been and will always be controlled by someone other than a natural born American. Every answer that DRAKE has for those asking the questions, is all spontaneous intel responses, pre-planned by those above him that are obviously using his likable presence as a tool to collect more info on people not yet considered a threat to National Security. If he is an insider that he so claims to be, then his continued public announcements are a dead give away to the enemy that he proclaims to be trying to take down... whom I believe is his BOSS in the 'theatre' of battle.
Regardless of the world crisis problems linked to the US military, bank system, government rule, justice system, health care system, or even the ET topic, the fact of the matter is that we are all nothing but what the military intelligence strategists label us as... "EXPENDABLE", in the field of battle (The theatre). Confusion, distraction, diversion and dramatical propaganda in the MSM, was the Nazi protocol, from the very beginning of the rise in Nazi power (that Wilcock so exposed), funded by non other but our own elite 1% (Rothschild, Rockefeller, JP Morgan's...etc). I was not imprisoned for life as an "INSUBORDINATE" soldier from my involvement of an ET incident during my enlistment, due to the fact that my family name and history in State politics since the Civil War, had saved my ass when I informed my parents of what was really going on while I was in the Army.
I was threatened, lied to, cast as a traitor to the country that I so believed in, with a hasty UNDER OTHER THAN HONORABLE discharge, and in later years discover the fact that every document regarding my personnel files was either destroyed or labeled "TOP SECRET and HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL", to prevent my witness to what our military is really doing.
Must I go on? Of course I do! Not only do I have personal knowledge of secrets about our corrupt military, but I also had a cousin killed in the Iraq invasion, during his change of orders in command (he was a West Point grad, and a Lt Col to boot), and re-assignment once Baghdad was captured. He was the highest ranked Officer to die in combat in both Iraq wars. His parents were told by cell phone, emails and letters (all intercepted by Army Intel), that he was fed up with the Army and the real reason the US was even over there in the first place. He greatest honor as a West Pointer, is the fact that he carried President Clinton's briefcase as his assignment in those years. In other words... He KNEW exactly what was going on and was to expose the truth once he was back on stateside.
He never got further than 60 miles from the Iraq border, when an MP directing traffic (in the middle of the desert?), suddenly raises his arm to stop an oncoming semi-truck (independent Halliburton contractor driver), who somehow jackknifed the trailer, which slid sideways and took my cousins head CLEAN OFF HIS BODY! The Army investigation lost the records, can't find the MP, nor the driver to follow up on... and then the Federal Supreme Court ruled that the case was not sue-able due to the "accident" happening on foreign soil!!!
In short... he was killed by the higher chain of command to prevent the story being told!
But I know... my family knows... and now everyone of you reading this knows!
This was pulled from the comment section of the Drake Audio Intel article at