We have
assured your men and women in the fields and on the front lines of these
actions that we will do whatever it is we must do and we can do to protect them
from these military factions sworn to the allegiance of the cabal. We have kept
our word, though it is unfortunate that we must report that there were some
casualties experienced by your courageous men and women taking part in gunfire
while making some of these arrests. We could not interfere in that particular
situation as there are limitations to what we can do at times and the amount of
protection we can offer. We will continue our efforts on every front to offer
the highest level of protection that we can, and we say to you have confidence
in us and have faith and know that many more lives could have been lost if it
were not for our efforts that succeeded in stopping additional rogue military
forces from becoming involved in the conflicts that are now scattered all over
the United States as well as throughout some parts of your world.
We will
continue to give you updates to these developments as often as we can as we
feel it is very important for you, the people of Earth, to be kept abreast and
made aware of what is truly the most significant event in the history of your
modern world. We salute the brave and courageous men and women who are on the
front lines and who mourn the loss of those who have given their lives in
service to their brothers and sisters, to love, to light, to freedom, to the
decree of their Creator who now has greeted them through his open arms of the
higher dimensions, as this is where these beings have now emerged, through the
veil, on the other side of where there is only light and where their loved ones
who are their family and their friends were waiting for them and who have now
joined them in cheerful and joyful reunion.
We say to
all of you, the people of your world, that this is the destiny that awaits you,
and although it may appear to your senses here under this illusion of a lower
dimensional world that the experience you understand as death is some kind of mortal
end, is some kind of finale, it is not even remotely the truth of what it is a
being experiences once they are freed from the limiting confines of your human
vessels. What awaits you is glorious, is momentous, is gorgeous, is freeing, is
liberating, is joyful, is exhilarating, is blissful and in very many cases
ultimately surprising, yet there is one thing for sure; the death of the human
vessel is not the end, for the living spirit of a being is eternal, and this
spirit is never ending in its journey beyond and through walls of dimensions
that only present themselves while encased within a lower dimensional physical
Once freed from the confines of this vessel, a spirit can take shape beyond this realm, reemerging back home, if you will, to where is they come from, where it is they belong, where is they have missed and have longed, in some cases, for many eons of time. This is an occasion to look forward to, not to fear and not to regret. The brave men and women who gave their lives in the gunfire apprehending the members of your criminal cabal will be missed, for a time, this cannot be denied, but they will not be missed for very long as many of their friends and family will be reuniting with them very shortly in the days ahead. This is one of the surprises awaiting so many of you who have seemingly lost loved ones in the past, as when our two dimensions merge there will be nothing, not time, not walls, separating you from joyful embrace, together again. This we promise you.
Once freed from the confines of this vessel, a spirit can take shape beyond this realm, reemerging back home, if you will, to where is they come from, where it is they belong, where is they have missed and have longed, in some cases, for many eons of time. This is an occasion to look forward to, not to fear and not to regret. The brave men and women who gave their lives in the gunfire apprehending the members of your criminal cabal will be missed, for a time, this cannot be denied, but they will not be missed for very long as many of their friends and family will be reuniting with them very shortly in the days ahead. This is one of the surprises awaiting so many of you who have seemingly lost loved ones in the past, as when our two dimensions merge there will be nothing, not time, not walls, separating you from joyful embrace, together again. This we promise you.
This is what
some of you have to look forward to at the culmination of this great shift that
these arrests are an essential part of. We wish all to know that the men and
women who gave up their physical vessels at this time in love and service to
the light and to you, their brothers and sisters, have been greatly rewarded
for their heroic efforts, and their reward comes not in a lie of a medal handed
to them by members of the cabal, but their reward has been bestowed upon them
from their Creator, the Creator of all things ‘good’ or ‘bad’, large or small,
dark or light in this, his magnificent kingdom where we journey to experience
ourselves in every aspect of ourselves, in every shade, shadow or lighted day
of ourselves. These experiences where gunshots ring out and lives are seemingly
lost are one aspect of what we have come here to experience, and not a single
moment is ever rightfully mourned as each moment of every experience is to be
treasured and is to be recognized as an experience that has enabled us to learn
more about ourselves and to understand greater who it is we are, once reflected
on to the backdrop of this wonderful universe.
Moments like
these that may seem to family and friends of departing souls as tragedies are
not at all moments of sorrow or tragedy. They are moments that define more
sharply and more clearly who it is we are and magnify what it is that we are
made of in form and substance, in spirit. Please take a moment to honor these
men and women who unselfishly and for the freedom of all of you sacrificed. Pay them their due respect for what they have
given, which was to depart early, leaving family and friends behind to
mourn, as many of them have not reached an understanding that their separation
is only temporary, and some of these individuals feel they have lost a loved one
forever even though they have not. We all will experience a day when we will
have the opportunity to reunite with each and every soul that has touched our
lives, has been a part of our lives, and who we may miss greatly today. This is
one of the joys in store for each and every one of you, and in the days ahead
there will be those of you who will once again come face-to-face in joyful
reunion with those loved ones of your past that have gone on before you into
the higher realms of this multidimensional universe.
This is
where we, the ascended beings that speak to you through these communications
exist. It is here, within the ethers of the higher realms that we call home,
and where we await our reunion with you as well. Do you have a clearer
understanding of where it is we are and where it is you are? Do you see why
much work needs to be done to tear down this wall that separates us, separates
the physical from the spiritual? Now that many of you have a clearer
understanding of how great our task is together, we ask you to please do what
you can to get along with each other as we, day by day and step-by-step, inch
closer to the salvation of our entire mission here together with you.
These men
and women who are on your front lines are not fighting and sacrificing without
cause. They are participating in events that are Earth changing, life-changing
and future course altering for your planet and your entire civilization. What
they are fighting for can barely be adequately described through the use of
words, and we say to you that a clearer picture will be made available to you
once you can emerge beyond these limiting confines of your dimension when many greater
understandings will be experienced by you. This day will come; there can be no
denying this now. The final battle has begun. It had been written in your
ancient texts as prophesy many thousands of years ago that this battle would be
waged and it has now begun and will not end until there is a victor, either the
light or the dark, and we are here to make certain it is the light that is
victorious and shines upon your new day, illuminating your way to the higher
realms of this universe.
We are your
ascended friends and family here on the other side with those who have recently
departed your dimension. They are safe, they are sound, and they are now with
us waiting for your arrival in the days ahead. We are the Galactic Federation
of Light.
As channeled
through Greg Giles
http://ascensionearth2012.org/- English