Super Woo Radio: George & Jason Interview Mel Fabregas of Veritas Radio
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Dear Friends, It is with great excitement and anticipation that we announce Superwoo Radio Episode 2 is now available at and iTunes. It’s our first show with a guest and we couldn’t have asked for a better guest than Mel Fabregas from Veritas Radio. When george and I discussed the idea of “interviewing the interviewers”, we asked each other, who are the interviewers we hold in high regard in the alternate media? After much deliberation and discussion, there are so many great interviewers to choose from, we finally decided on Mel. Mel Fabregas is objective, well researched, open-minded and presents a level headed, well rounded show. Veritas provides a great platform for informing yourself about the hidden knowledge being kept secret from our human family. Mel gives us his amazing personal story, including previously unknown details of his business background, his “ah ha” awakening moment and what inspired Mel to leave his corporate life and head down the Veritas Radio road. We also discuss many topics during this fascinating and enjoyable interview, including academia, the media, being authentic, money, the coming economy collapse, London Olympics and much more. Enjoy! Two of george’s best interviews were produced by Veritas. Mel’s next interview with george is scheduled in the next few weeks and it is shaping up as possibly the best ever as they discuss george’s new book, Our Universal Journey and life’s biggest questions. We have made some improvements to that allow SWR to be a standalone platform with its own social media pages and iTunes link. We found that by using a member subscription model we were limiting access to the show. Using the OJH platform also prevented us from using iTunes and a RSS feed burner to many who wanted to re-post the shows on their websites. We have removed any copyright from our shows so now you can help us spread The Message far and wide. New friends of SWR will no longer be automatically subscribed to the OJH newsletter as some listeners may be fans of the guest and not necessarily willing OJH subscribers. For those who have already subscribed to become a Friend of Super Woo Radio, thank you so much! Your interest makes all the hard work worthwhile. We are planning our first bonus podcast for Friends of SWR. Next month George, Cynthia and I will start recording “The OJH story”. This will be a behind the scenes look at all the amazing experiences that have occurred over the past 2 years. It will be huge as there is no-one on the planet who can talk super woo like george and Cynthia. These podcasts will be exclusive to Friends of SWR. So please tell your friends to subscribe if you haven’t already. If you’re a Facebook user and like what we doing, please do george and I a favour by liking our new Superwoo radio page. We also have a twitter account and will also post all shows on our new YouTube channel as well. Click the links on this page and you will be taken straight there. george and Cynthia are on vacation taking a well-earned break. We will be recording our next SWR episode around mid-August and will post it soon after. Till next time be well or as george would say Just B. - Jason Co-Host Super Woo Radio |
Super Woo Radio
PO Box 32, Jamestown SA 5039, Australia