Thursday, July 12, 2012

SoldierHugs: "Message to ALL Soldiers & Oath Keepers"

With the UN Arms Treaty; Do you still think this is 

just about "Standing Down" to UnLawful Orders?

"Message to ALL Soldiers & Oath




               As a means of enacting and communicating my free will civilian authority, I hereby ACCEPT YOUR OATH, and REQUEST with full intent as a living human being and inhabitant of planet Earth, all oath sworn Men and Women of ALL WORLD Military forces, Militias, Oath Keepers, Police officers, Marshall's and/or other authorized civilian groups thereof, to recognize, act, and abide by your “sworn oaths of service” to defend against all ENEMIES of the united States of America both foreign and DOMESTIC, and defend the inhabitants of planet Earth against those who perpetrate Crimes Against Humanity.

           I hereby request the complete acknowledgement and appropriate response to treasons and crimes against humanity committed against not only our Nation, but against all peoples and world governments of planet Earth, by various covert and illegally conspiring dark cabals, among which include, but are not limited to: political officials, financial experts, banking and regulatory institutions with organizational structures and hierarchies. These dark cabals have intentionally infiltrated and embedded themselves within these highly influential positions ILLEGALLY, and with preconceived malicious intent aimed at forcible manipulation, control, enslavement and degradation of the lawful Nationals of these united States of America, and lawful Nationals of other International States and peoples of the planet Earth.

        I hereby faithfully and lawfully, request that all WORLD Soldiers, act in support of the MASS ARRESTDETENTION, and ADJUDICATION of these dark Cabals under the appropriate and lawful mechanisms by which these criminals, their various entities and structures, are determined to be illegal, in breach, conflict, and directly punishable as crimes against humanity, and the "Universal Law of One".
   With authority, love, admiration, humility, reason, and above all GRATITUDE, It is hereby my free will choice to "Stand and be Counted" for the purpose of participating in this collective and MASS CIVILIAN AUTHORITY communication to ALL World Militaries, Militias, Oath Keepers, Police officers, Marshalls and/or other authorized civilian groups thereof.

We LOVE and ADMIRE ALL of Earth´s brave Soldiers; we will NOT stand for our loved ones to be used as expendable "cannon fodder" for the propagation and enforcement of these dark Cabal´s illegal and usurpious agendas, profiteering, and criminal conspiracies."We The People"of planet Earth salute you, and send you these SoldierHUGS...

We LOVE and ADMIRE ALL of Earth´s brave Soldiers; we will NOT stand for our loved ones to be used as expendable "cannon fodder" for the propagation and enforcement of these dark Cabal´s illegal and usurpious agendas, profiteering, and criminal conspiracies."We The People"of planet Earth salute you, and send you these SoldierHUGS... 

!!!! Click the link below if you agree with this statement and send your SoldierHUG !!!!