The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting
confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place. Your rights are such
that you have the authority to remove those who have committed acts of treason
against you. These are clearly very necessary steps to allow important changes
to take place that will move you on to the next phase in the plan. There is no
way that the actions can be ignored much longer, and our allies are looking for
sources that are keen to cover what is happening. Certainly with an announcement
that is intended to set peoples minds at rest, we expect the media to pick up on
it. There will soon come a point when the news can no longer be hidden or
ignored, and we know that there will be a mixed reception to it. However, we
expect President Obama to address the world, to re-assure people that the
actions are positive and in everyone's interests to restore world peace. It will
go worldwide and beyond any attempts of the dark Ones to gag
We of the Galactic Federation of Light will for a time continue to
work in the background, but look for the first opportunity to introduce
disclosure. It not only covers our history of working for you and with you, but
also the general interest shown in your evolution over a period of thousands of
years. However, it will give us the chance to present some of the different
civilisations that you are to meet. All will have some link to you if only to
have had a hand in your genetic evolution. At a soul level we are all the from
the Source, but have travelled different paths according to our choice of
experience. Differences between us do therefore exist but we are all evolving
like you except that some souls are at higher levels than
In leaps and bounds you will quickly find yourselves being elevated
to the next stage in your upliftment. Many of you have already been primed for a
new way of life, and it will set you up for your return to the higher realms
that will come with Ascension. A wonderful fulfilling life awaits you which will
seem like heaven after your experiences in duality. You will not only understand
how energy comes into your lives, but also how to use to use it for your needs.
The emphasis will be put on the different ways it can be used, and not least of
all as a means of space travel.
On Earth you spend huge amounts of time travelling around in what we
see as antiquated forms of transport, It will no longer be necessary to waste so
much time in that way, and you will be gifted with technology that allows for
almost instantaneous travel. All are based on the use of free energy which is
clean and non-polluting. The dark Ones have already developed some craft of this
type, and the technology known to them for a very long time. You have been
denied its use so as not to affect the standing of traditional methods of
travel, and to ensure they keep their power over other
Your dreams will come true and the most wonderful changes will come
with freedom being returned to you. You have become so used to being controlled
in virtually everything you do that you have forgotten what it is like to be
free. You will get a taste of it before Ascension, but remember that with
freedom comes responsibility not to indulge in activities that cause danger or
harm to others. With the coming of your higher levels of consciousness, will
also come a more compassionate and balanced understanding of how to relate to
other souls. It is the desire to be at One with all life that will enable you to
take your place amongst those you will be joining. We know that the harshness of
the Earths vibrations is not conducive to a peaceful existence, and you are
continually challenged to keep calm and in control of your
You have been tested and tried for millennia of time, often repeating
the same lessons many times over. You have proved that you can exist in an
advanced civilization, and you are welcomed into the higher realms. You have
raised your vibrational levels and it will ensure that you are ready to ascend.
Those who are not ready will have no inclination to leave duality, and will by
choice continue their experiences at the same level. The paths open to you are clearly
defined and you cannot move beyond your station. However, all is continually in
a state of change and you will eventually make progress as all souls
Let go of your earthly attachments and instead be in readiness to
expand your consciousness to take in what will be a new way of life. As you
learn more about us and get an opportunity to visit us on our ships, you will
see first hand how we live and intermix with other civilizations. All act in
service to one another and it is a blessing to be able to do so. The ego's have
been tamed and the needs of self are not put ahead of any others. We are a
community in harmony and putting our energies into serving the Supreme Creator.
We get great satisfaction from doing so, and do not for one moment think that it
restricts our freedom in anyway. We love our work and the contribution we make
to All That Is helping to uplift all other life forms.
Our lives are full and most satisfying and it is by choice that we
serve in our own particular way. It is no more or no less than you would do
helping your own brothers and sisters. We are after all one big family who
acknowledge the gift of life given us by our Father/Mother God, and have been
provided with all that we could possibly need to enjoy our existence. We are
also co-creators with God having reached a higher state of being and able to use
such powers with complete responsibility. On Earth few really understand the
potential powers they have, and do not realize that they are responsible for the
way their civilization has evolved. Consequently you also reap what you sow,
which is why you have ended up in
duality. However, you have found your way out of it and many are now able to
take the opportunity to ascend.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you the most happy times that
release from duality will bring you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.