MIB (Men In Black)–Real Or Unreal?
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MIB (Classic 50s Appearance, But w/o Sunglasses Image Credit: Artist Unknown |
Enter Gray Barker and his little, disturbing 1956 book called They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers. This book is generally credited with putting the whole MIB concept into mass consciousness, but is it real or made up? Turns out, the case can be made for both–and neither. How is this possible? What if the Barker story were a fabrication, but there were multiple things going on fitting one or more of the MIB reports?
MIB, Multiple Martinis And Truth
In 1975, a now trusted source, but then unknown to the writer, took Gray Barker out for drinks and carefully proceeded to get him sloshed on martinis by covertly refilling Mr. Barker’s martini from his own. The object? Get to the bottom of the MIB story. Turns out, veritas can be obtained without using vino! As the evening wore on, and alcohol deinhibited Gray Barker’s tongue, the story of a clever con emerged. The MIB story was reportedly a fabrication by Gray Barker, Albert K.Bender, Jim Mosely and unnamed co-conspirators, but yet, some MIB entities were operating then and were operating through 1967, giving the government fits in the process.MIB, MIB & MIB
No, this is not unnecessary repetition! This is to warn the readers that there are three separate and distinct MIB types at work. One MIB type’s a newish arrival, we think.The first MIB type is legitimate, overt, works for the government, as in the case of then Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) Special Agent Richard “Rick” Doty, who figures in a whole series of disinformation efforts directed against UFO researchers. The bane of this MIB type is another bunch operating as covert agents, presenting all manner of interesting official ID that isn’t real, while operating under color of government authority. The problem created was so serious that various BOLOs (Be On the Lookout for–and capture if possible) were circulated. A sensitive contact saw one such missive directly in the 1960s. Here things get even more awkward.
We are left with two candidates for these intruders, both upsetting to contemplate. According to the ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces, from contacts in two different groups, Langley (CIA Headquarters in Virginia) is home to a multi-agency, multinational force called, variously, Division 44, Black Squadron or Delta Triptych. This unit is Cabal/NWO (New World Order) through and through. Students of the occult will note dark occult numerology or allusion in every single unit name. According to the Liberation Forces, the deep black unit members use (and have used) alien implants to enhance their psionic functioning. This presumably aids in effectively interrogating and intimidating those who’ve had encounters, collected debris or may be trying to hide information. Division 44, or whatever it’s called, has reportedly been operating for “at least 15 years.” Despite this,repeated probes by ultra sensitive Earth sources at extremely high levels have yielded no evidence even as to the existence of the unit, let alone its purported activities.Then we have the MIB who are, per the Liberation Forces, alien-human hybrids, trying to pass for us. These are interdimensional, timeline jumping, apparent shapeshifters (through psionics, possession and illusion). Reportedly, they are opportunistic parasites who thought to take advantage of Earth’s dimensional shift and to insert themselves into the vacuum created by the eviction/destruction of the Cabal. They began shifting tactics recently, no longer appearing as classic MIB, but as the much more lovable, unthreatening and therefore likely to gain admittance Black-Eyed People, especially children. Strangely, they seem to operate under the same strictures as vampires in popular belief.
They must be invited in! This last group has gotten a very hot reception from the Liberation Forces, to include the destruction of their hyperdimensional base inside Mt. Rainier in Washington state and the loss of one of their craft. The MIB/Black-Eyed People crew is dead. The craft is in friendly hands and is being exploited for some remarkable technology it uses to navigate the timestream, jump timelines and interfere with operations by the Liberation Forces. Thanks to this technical exploitation, the Liberation Forces report they’ve been able to impose a lockdown on the timelines. From now on, the only timeline changes will be the results of the actions of individual people and groups.
More amazing information about the real Men In Black with pictures.......
Out from under Majestic: Dan Burisch uncensored
A video interview with Dan Burisch - Part 3
Las Vegas, July 2006
Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Lynn Cassidy
(continued from Parts 1 and 2 - please click here)
MIBs: The Men in Black
Kerry Cassidy: OK, so tell us about...

Dan Burisch: Sure, OK. Well, the Men in Black.
K: ...about the Men in Black. Yeah.
D: Part of it is a psychological operation you have within Majestic and that they operate to scare people away from things that they’ve seen, that they don’t want them, you know, further bringing information out in the population. The so-called “people factor.” Anything about that, they attempt, or have attempted... I don’t even know that they’re still in operation... to suppress. Then you have the real McCoy. The real McCoy is not human. The real McCoy is in fact a P-45 J-Rod. They’re using, through the use of some sort of sinuous biomechanical technology, the skin of a dead human.
K: Wow...
D: The skin of a dead human. These are the ones that walk up to you and they look like they’re shuffling like they’ve just filled their drawers. When they speak through this technology that they are wrapping around them, they sound very bland, very monotone. And they don’t belong. You tell very quickly that they don’t belong.
K: Have you met one?
D: I’ve met several of them. They were operating around my work at Sunchase before we were moved to a different location. I can say they’re very “sallow” in appearance. They thought that it was an appropriate expression to sing me “Happy Birthday” one year over at, ah, I think it was at the start of 2003. It was either ‘03 or ‘04 ...‘03 I think it was. Yeah.... and I did not like being around them. And they will not think twice of using force on you. They will hit you. They will push you. One did me.
Marcia, not that long ago, got her fill of both types, both the psychological operations people who attempted, a few years ago, to scare her off over at Winchester Park – these were... those were human beings. They were just striking fear in her – and one actual real McCoy... MIB. And this thing... I actually saw it first. It wandered on to... they get confused easily. And that’s a good thing... wandered on to our property at where we’re presently living. And I was walking home from her apartment at the time and I thought a child was swinging on the swingset. There’s a swingset out in front of my apartment. The closer I got, I thought that it was a little older kid wearing black. Then I noticed it had a hat on. And he said, “Swing! Fun!” He was lost in a memory, apparently, of the person that he was wearing. And I looked at him and I got very afraid inside because they carry weapons. They can be killed with weapons too. They were not supposed to be on our property. Our Security did not do its real job. We’re not worried about the real two-legged real humans that just walk around. It’s

K: So he was the size of a child? Is that what you’re saying?
D: No, he was... He... I thought it was a child on the swingset as I was walking. It was past dusk. It was dark out there.
K: So he was a normal size.
D: He was a normal size.
K: Man.
D: Yeah.
K: Full grown person.

K: How do you get rid of him?
D: Well... how do you get rid of him?
K: Yes.
D: Well, it would be very good if a person could actually... I’d better be careful suggesting that...
Marci: Uh huh.
D: ...‘cause they are still human beings. They took him into... Security ultimately took him into custody. I just want to be careful liability-wise of making the suggestion about how to get rid of one of them. But...
Marci: People could miscue and we wouldn’t want to have problems.
D: No. Saying, “Well, you know, Dr. Burisch said do this or that.” There shouldn’t be that many walking around. Don’t worry about it.
But it... it wasn’t even sent there to deal with me. It was sent there to deal with her [pointing toward Marci]. And it found itself apparently lost in a memory in the swingset. And I said, “Good! Swing! Good.” Instead of going [makes disgusted face]. Walked in, keyed the door to my apartment, pressed the emergency button for Security, hoping that they were going to respond. Went in and told my mother-in-law what was going on. She looked out of the window and said, “Yep.” She’s been in a Majestic family all her life, and she said, “Yep.” Then the oldest got up and looked out the window and I said, “That’s what one looks like.” It was her first experience seeing one. Yeah.
K: Ohh.
D: And I said, “Doris, go over here.” And I unlocked something and I pulled something out for her and I said, “While I leave here, because I’m going to do the hurt bird routine and lead it away,” (because we had three kids). I said, “I don’t know what its intention is. It may have a lethal intention here and it’s just presently lost. Soon as it gets done swinging, it may pull a weapon out.” And I said, “So if it comes near here, defend yourself and the kids. Meanwhile I’m gonna grab something else,” and I grabbed a weapon, “and I’m gonna try to lead it away.” By the time I had the second weapon out and was armed, it was walking off already, toward her [points at Marci, laughs] apartment’s direction.
So I said, “OK. Well, I still have to get it in case it turns around because if it knows where I went into the apartment, I have to lead it away because there are kids in here. There are little girls in here.” Yep. And so I walked toward it, past it [laughs], walked clear by it, and it just continued shuffling ahead slowly up the sidewalk, gradually toward her apartment.
I got over to her apartment and I said, “Where the hell is Security?” She was pushing buttons over there and nobody had responded. Got on the radio. Nobody responds. I said, “You have an MIB walking toward your apartment right now.” She said, “An MIB?” I said, “Indeed.” I said, “They are dangerous, as you are well aware.” But it was her first experience with something like this. I said, “Come here and look. It can’t possibly...”... and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t walking back toward my apartment where the girls were. I said, “It can’t possibly have reached here by now.” [laughs] I mean, it’s walking slowly. And so she came out with me and she went over by the wall behind a bush and she didn’t see it initially. It was hidden like in the recesses of a light, as it was walking up in one of the shadowed areas. Because now the lights had kicked on on the exterior of the building and all that. And I walked up on to the sidewalk and saw it, and I turned my back on it at that point. They don’t run. So I turned my back on it and said, “You may watch me going that [points in illustration] way,” to Marci. And she said, ‘cause she’s not a faint-of-heart female, “Why?” And then she saw it over my shoulder and got her first .. . laid her first eyes on an ET. And her eyes got about that big [gesturing], which is a normal reaction. And she walked. [looks at Marci and says, “Giving you some credit.”] She actually walked from there back toward the corner of the building, before I saw her break into something more than a walk. She walked away from him.
By then, I’m still standing there and this thing walked by me. Now I’m wondering what... why it’s here, and I said, “Hi.” And it turned this close to me [gestures at arm length] and said, “Hello,” and then it just continued to walk [gestures away]. Walked right past me like I wasn’t even there, toward her. I thought, “Well, OK, it has an assignment. We don’t know what the assignment is.” Because it will not give up its intention behaviorally before it carries out its assignment. And I wasn’t sure if it was armed or what. So I walked by it again. [laughs] This is how slowly it was shuffling. It walked like it had poop in its pants. I mean that’s how he did... I mean, they are clearly not comfortable in the skin.
I walked by it again. Now I had made certain adjustments to the firearm I had on me because I was figuring that whatever was gonna happen, it was gonna happen fairly soon. And if it pulled a weapon out, I was going to do what I learned in the police department and do it well. For propabation.
Got back to her. Got all the way into her apartment. Locked the door. And I said, “Go get your gun.” She pulled the weapon out. “You’ve been a former cop, too. Do what you do. Do it well.” By that time we were both shaking, figuring, you know, it was gonna turn into something very bad.
It sat down on a stairway outside of her apartment and... it had a bag with it. It was a black bag of some sort, and I didn’t know what was in it. It could have been anything. It just sat there, and then it got up, and it walked past her apartment. And now I’m looking at her like, “What the hell is this?” Still no Security. Finally, after it had made its way all the way to the basketball court area... and it stood there and looked around, still confused... Security came up with its weapons [models sighting along rifle] drawn, and took it into custody. Put it in one of the vans and off it went. They cuffed it, you know, like a human being would be cuffed and they took it.
She got a couple photographs off. We actually, because it walked out toward the court... I was looking through the window and said, “Well there’s no way it could get us from here even if it does have a gun on it or whatever.” She stepped out on to her porch and she took a couple photographs with a... [queries Marci] It was a disposable?
Marc: I found a disposable camera that was up on the bookshelf near the door. And I just grabbed it and that’s all I had in my hands.
D: She took a couple photographs of it and we have since made those public on the Eagles Disobey forum. Those are real, the real McCoy. The best I could do enhancements that show, one after another, with it... bringing it out from the background. Those were the best enhancements I could do because the original photograph that we put up there, too, if you saw it, I mean, it was basically jet black. There is no carrying of the flash and it was not set for, you know, night speed or anything like that. It was an indoor/outdoor type daytime camera, a disposable camera. But it was all that was available. Now, Security took photographs and all that but they don’t share ‘em.
K: Right.
D: At the same time I was doing my weekly reports and I detailed it in my weekly report and I allowed that weekly report to be made available through the website. I said the MIB was taken into custody and no one was injured. But, yeah, he just walked on to our property, assignment still to this day unknown.
K: Hmm.