demonstrate to us that you are indeed ready to receive these advancements in
technologies, sciences, health and wealth, and we will do what we can to share
these gifts with you. We do see many of you at this time who are demonstrating
that you are indeed ready to receive these gifts and that you will use them
wisely and correctly, safely and prudently. These are the prerequisites for
this sharing of gifts, for each world that we travel to must first demonstrate
that they have now reached a certain level of responsibility and wisdom in
regards to the proper handling and facilitation of advanced technologies and sciences.
We feel, based on our surveys of your societies and your consciousness levels,
that you may now be ready for the implementation of a certain amount of
advanced technologies in your world.
We would
like at this time to discover just how many of you are now prepared for these
advancements and for the announcements of our presence here, as this is a
necessary part of this project as it must be understood by your people where
this technology is coming from. This is why we stress to you how important it
is that those of you who have reached an understanding of who we are and why we
are here share this information with all of your brothers and sisters that are within
earshot of you, always keeping in mind that it is not your job to convince them
that what you say is truth, but rather, you should plant the seed of
possibility within their minds and allow it to grow on its own through rays of
the sun that shine in the form of further evidence of our existence which is
all around each of you at this time and only awaits the opening eye or the awakening mind to
recognize it.
There are so
many signs that we are here in your world at this time, and one only needs to
look and they will see, it is as simple as that. It does not take anything more,
yet it does not take anything less, and this is the key. One must wish to learn
new concepts and ideas to learn them. Knowledge and wisdom cannot be forced
upon a person, it must be welcomed and it must be sought after. We do take
notice of many of your people who do not wish to learn of certain new things,
at least at this time. We therefore must be careful not to tread clumsily on
their domain. We must instead proceed cautiously, doing our best not to crack
open like an eggshell their fragile reality if we were to land our great ships
on their front lawn. Do you understand this dear ones? Do you understand that
we cannot come down from our positions in space around your planet and frighten
so greatly those of your world who are not yet ready to learn that they are not
alone in the universe and that we are here and we are now introducing ourselves
to you?
We realize
there is a very dynamic dichotomy of those of your world who are ready, willing
and eager to meet us and begin a working and friendly relationship with us, and
those of your world who would be terrified to learn of our existence and even
further terrified to learn that we are here in your world. This is a matter
that has been under great study and through much long discussion here in our
great meeting halls and conference rooms. This is not something that we have
overlooked or have neglected to plan for. This is not the case at all. One of
the greater difficulties concerning our reunion with you has been through the
planning stages of how to safely and calmly introduce ourselves to you, causing
as little as a disruption to your society and your flow of your day to day
lives as is possible.
We have at
this time reached some conclusions on how to proceed in this regard, and we
also have reached a conclusion as to when we will begin these next phases of
operation. We will not disclose with you at this time any precise timetable, but
we will report to you at this time that we have now set a very definite
schedule and we will do all that we can to adhere to this schedule and
introduce ourselves to you when certain other matters are dealt with firstly.
What these matters include is a suitable agreement with those aligned with your
criminal cabal for their peaceful surrender and apprehension for many of them.
This is a matter that must be dealt with, as we see it as a great difficulty to
begin our many projects with you with those still sworn to the powers that
control your criminal cabal and their agenda to cause chaos, destruction, panic,
fear, problems and difficulties in your world free to continue their disruptive
We have
outlined a plan to our Earth allies on how we feel it is best to approach these
arrests and the following adjudication. We have received confirmation that our
Earth allies have received our communications and we wait at this time for
their response that they agree to the principles outlined and are ready to move forward with the
operation that will remove from power many important members of your cabal and
free the people of your planet once and for all. This is where we stand today.
We are as prepared as we will ever be on our side of this operation, and we
feel the time has long come that our counterparts known to you as our Earth
allies are also fully prepared and as prepared as they will ever be.
We must move
forward, now is the time for this. There is not much time remaining after today
to sufficiently complete the many vital projects that we feel are imperative to
the advancement of your world and that will keep your planet from suffering
further destruction that may reach a point that it is irreversible. This has
always been our greatest concern in regards to time, and it is now time to get
our tasks completed, one at a time and in order of importance and necessity.
Many tasks necessitate the completion of another task before it. This is the
unchangeable nature of our overall mission here, and it is important that all
parties involved fully understand this. One cannot begin on certain tasks
before other tasks are not only begun, but are fully accomplished, and due to
this fact and due to the possibility of unforeseen delays and difficulties
completing certain tasks, we feel we are now beyond the date to have begun many
of the tasks that should have, for the sake of assurance, been started already.
We would
like to see more of you demonstrate that you understand the sequence of events
necessary to be completed before certain events that you may be looking forward
to can get underway. We see many of you making your discontent clear that you are
waiting for certain events and certain gifts to be shared with you and you are
running out of patience waiting for their arrival. We wish to stress upon you
today that you are not waiting on us, but our entire mission is aligned
strategically with many points of operation scheduled in a very particular
order and we do not have the luxury of skipping over certain operations and
neglecting to complete them.
At this time,
we have reached the point of the schedule where two things are needed to be accomplished.
(1) The breakdown of your criminal cabal and their many associated wings and
factions, accompanied by the arrests of as many of their members and associates
as possible. (2) We wish to see that there are enough of you who are fully
aware of our presence and our plan to introduce ourselves to you, as well as
introduce advanced technologies to you. These are the two items on our agenda
that we have reached and have reached some time ago. We cannot now skip ahead
to the next items on our agenda until these two tasks have been adequately
We ask you
at this time to complete your tasks, whether your area involves the arrests and
the prosecution of the members of your criminal cabal or if your area concerns
the dissemination of the information about us and our intentions here, and we
look to see advancements on both fronts as soon as possible. We will continue
monitoring your world to keep abreast of developments in these areas, and we
wish you great success in your efforts and remind you again that you are not alone,
that we, your friends and your families from the higher realms are behind you
every step of the way each and every day as we together move forward on our
mission together.
We are the
Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled
through Greg Giles
http://ascensionearth2012.org/- English