Tuesday, June 26, 2012

enerchi: Taking Short Vacation; Raven will be Posting

Update 6/26/12

Hello World!!!!

I just got back from an unforgettable and amazing vacation with my family.  We spent a good 7 days exploring the ancient culture and foods of the Inca empire at Machu Picchu, Peru. 

Below is just a couple of many pictures taken at the top of the mountain over looking the ancient city.

Believe it or not these pictures were taken from my phone. If I had a fancy camera, I'm sure it would look even more amazing.  It was such a surreal experience to be touching the clouds, surrounded by green vistas and mountain ranges and knowing that an ancient people of the Inca Empire built this magnificent wonder of the world.

I also was a witness to the famous Inti Raymi festival in Cusco.  This is the "festival of the sun" celebrating the Summer Solstice and the "Sun God".  

The people were friendly and the food was delicious.  So much to share but I am tired from a long day of traveling and look forward to continue to keep this blog updated with current events and the Ascension of Humanity.

Thank you to Raven for updating this blog while I was away.

I need some time to catch up on the latest news but I should be able to start posting again in the coming day.

Much Love!



Hi Everyone,

I just want to update you all, that I will have limited access to the internet for a week. Taking time off to be with family.  I have granted Raven access to this site to continue posting important news related items.  Thank you Raven for your help!

Raven will be posting in the coming days. You can also find news articles postings at her Facebook page here..... http://www.facebook.com/raven.aislynn

I also want to reiterate that if you find worthy news, videos, or links, than please share with the audience in any of the comment sections.  I know some of you do this already to help out and it is much appreciated as there is so much taking place behind the scenes.

I hope to have some stories & pictures to share when I return.

All the Best and Lots of Hugs!

~ enerchi