Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Another Attack on the Second Amendment: UN Small Arms Treaty

The United Nations, that bastion of self-enriching, bloated gas bags, will soon be holding a month long convention on the UN Small Arms TREATY between 192 nations. Of course, Hillary Clinton is right in the middle of things in an effort to commit the US to this unconstitutional treaty.

Because this is a treaty, and not one of those federal corporate contract agreements the presidents are so fond of, it will have to be brought to the states for ratification (See U.S. Const. art. II, § . Section 3 provides the power to make treaties (with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate)) except I don’t believe that will ever happen.  

Some, never heard of before, political slight of hand will be given as the reason as to why ratification of the treaty by the states was by-passed Clinton will agree to the treaty on behalf of the US and Obama will sign it with great pleasure.  For decades it has been the intent of the federal government to disarm lawful gun owners in the US.. Every possible excuse and reason has been used to try and sell the idea of striking down the 2nd Amendment by both partys.  The actual intent is, by U.N. 

mandate to disarm private individual gun owners in America claiming a global treaty banning the ownership of small arms.  Its all for world peace!  It will make the military assaults on all nations far easier if the general population isn’t armed and able to mount even a limited defense.

Don’t look to the District of Criminals for help!

If you think other than a few Republicans and even fewer Democrats will half-heartedly object or stand to defend our constitution or our inalienable rights of any kind, much less the right to keep and bear arms, you are sadly mistaken.  Both partys have been equally active in their assaults on the constitution, with members of both partys actively promoting the militarization of local law enforcement against their respective communities.  Our police and many sheriffs departments are now para-military organizations capable and willing to turn on their own communities in subservience to Homeland Security edicts and orders.  Regarding this, the District of Criminals couldn’t be happier.

“This is the Treaty that will infringe on the US Constitution, the Second Amendment, and your right to self defense. The United Nations and specially invited anti firearms rights groups who want to eliminate our firearms freedoms will be convening at the UN July 2nd through the 27th to draft a Treaty to accomplish the goal of regulating firearms and accessories, and ultimately the disarming all of America.”

Spain agreed with the drafters of the Treaty, with input from various international and US gun control groups, who want the “Urgent and essential” Treaty to;
“a) Include a golden rule that prohibits the authorization of arms transfers where there is a substantial risk that used to commit or facilitate the commission-¬ – serious violations of international human rights and international humanitarian law.

b) Allow a comprehensive coverage that includes controls on weapons, ammunition and related material and on ALL (emphasis added) transfers.

c) explicit regulation of solid systems of licensing, transparency and reporting.”