May 6, 2012 – The White Hats Report #41
Truth That Dared To Speak Its Name
On the 16th of February, 2012, in the House of Lords, one courageous man, akin to Churchill attempting alone to warn of the Nazis threat to peace, Lord James of Blackheath, showed the vision, integrity, and fortitude to stand up, be counted, and expose to the House of Lords, the stark evidence of Global Fraud, which he so eloquently stated “there may have been a massive piece of money-laundering committed by a major Government who should know better.” Also, in his words, “a major American department has an agency which has gone rogue.” This is a scam of major size and a key to the recovery of the money needed to immediately boost America’s economy, stabilize the EU and fund the Global Settlements.
Lord David James of Blackheath
Lord James invited The House of Lords to assess the implications of his concerns and requested a full inquiry. While MI6 played around the edges, focused Treasury minds have still not commenced with the thorough investigation needed, nor has the UK Treasury or Foreign Office stood-up and sought to establish the truth. Lord Sassoon missed the whole point by passing it off with a presumption that, if the Gold claimed was bogus, it was just a scam from Wilfredo Saurin. He purposely overlooked the real issue; money raised against gold that does not exist is fraudulent. Sassoon should know that grandstanding can make or break careers.
The consequences of what Noble Lord James was seeking to expose are far reaching. He was offering a key to the Pandora’s Box of the uncontrolled Cabal and corrupt US agency, with activities carried out not in the interests of Sovereign protection, but for the usurping interests of corrupt banking, political and agency greed. The extent of the fraud may be too great for State Agency staff to understand, as Sassoon has shown by failing to look into it, so perhaps someone needs to help them all understand our real dangers and risks. This may help a significant group of international leaders and governments to finally grasp what has been and still is happening. What follows will expand consciousness of this very nasty reality to focus on the key issues and to assist prosecution.
The “agency” Lord James previously raised concerns about in the House of Lords, which he prudently referred to as Foundation X, is in fact the Pureheart Investment operation run by General Lorin William Rossier and assisted by dubious Chief Attorney Marlon McCall. This “agency” is claimed by McCall to be a subsidiary of Homeland Security, a fact supported by the UN and Homeland codes interjected into their SWIFT transfers for the identified 15 Trillion USD raised by FRAUD, with no Congressional awareness, oversight or permission. Why is the US Congress not getting this? 15T USD was heisted on YOUR watch Congressman Issa! Where is our Standards Committee now?
Lord James had originally been approached by Marlon McCall, in turn linked with Sandip Goyal and the notorious Asian Con Man Wilfredo Saurin, with dual intent.
Wilfredo Saurin
On one hand, they were seeking to offer a too-good-to-be-true 6 billion pounds loan to Her Majesty’s Government, which they had on deposit at HSBC. They also sought Lord James’ assistance to get HSBC and others to acknowledge the 15T USD, which had been wired previously by JP Morgan, on behalf of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, via HSBC, for further credit to the Royal Bank of Scotland, for the Pureheart account, now sequestrated by rogue RBS bankers. Poetic justice prevails, as scammers got scammed by the Bankers.
The LWR, GOT S.A., and Pureheart Investments, appears to be a vehicle operated in conjunction with the US Fed, Treasury, and selective US Agencies, with even UN complicity as shown by the attached SWIFTS. All these entities were cross-compromised by McCall having spent eight weeks in the hospital, preventing the Agency from playing its full role in the US Debt ceiling crisis in August 2011, where the 15T USD debt shortfall was miraculously solved out of thin air utilizing this fraudulent operation.
Pureheart is an unregulated and covert operation of the US Government, with possible links to the Revenue Sustainability Fund (RSF), which funds should have been utilized by the Fed /Treasury to prepare the way for the imminent Global Settlements, which continue to be blocked by the self-interests of the Rothschild’s, Bush’s, and the Heritage Funds. These funds, once released, would help prepare the way for the critical and necessary re alignment of all major global trading currencies, but most importantly, the consolidation of substantial sovereign debts owed. The world’s biggest problem is lack of economic stability, which we can begin to solve by taking this money and paying the Settlements.
In some areas the RSF has been using Pureheart for several years as a means of clandestinely distributing large volumes of dollars into sovereign economies as a means of maintaining the image of stability. However, this has been a double edged sword, which will be addressed later.
What took place was, in effect, a massive money laundering scheme. The US Treasury had run dry, so they defrauded the global monetary system by illegally creating additional money, which was subsequently stolen. WE NEED TO DEMAND THIS MONEY BANK AND PAY THE GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS. There is enough incriminating evidence to hold them all accountable. The scale of collusion defies belief, yet it happened and still continues. Congress and the House of Lords need to establish a Joint Task Force to immediately recover this money, and in one swift action, rebalance the world’s economies.
Pureheart functions with no direct oversight and with investigating parties being told “hands off” by key Central Banks, the Treasury, and by major intel agencies. In an operation created by Pureheart, utilizing the notorious Wilfredo Saurin, the well-known international fraudster; a scam was set up to wire a total of 15T USD in three separate tranches of five trillion dollar SWIFT transfers from the Federal Reserve to the account of LWR, GOT S.A., Pureheart Investment to HSBC London, for further credit to Royal Bank of Scotland Global Plc. The attached SWIFT transfers and confirmations reveal the smoking gun, including the SWIFT regarding the bogus gold. This was a very sophisticated cross-agency and bank criminal operation known and colluded to at the highest level. All the money can be traced.
Now, an interesting scenario occurred when they transferred this “created money,” where asset backing was needed to balance the books. They realized they had a serious compliance shortfall problem backing up the history of funds. They needed to cook-the-books fast to give a credible asset to justify raising the cash. So, on the 20th of May 2009, operating in conjunction with Wilfredo Saurin, they wired SKR’s (Safekeeping Receipts) from the Bank of Indonesia (BI) for an alleged gold bullion transfer of 750,000 metric tons. It was of course bogus and fraudulent. Attached is the issued SWIFT Transfer No 4200754365. Confirmatory tracking and transfer SEQUE 194743 was also issued at 10:21 am. You will discover coincidentally from the BI SWIFTS, the sum amounts to the 15T USD needed to underpin the US Fed fraud.
This was all predicated by Saurin against the back up account of Yohannes Riyadi, which only holds 700 metric tons of gold, and can never be moved. We have and hold copies of the real Bank of Indonesia custodial records and full Deputy President Confirmation of Riyadi’s account on a special Fed Bank of Indonesia sub platform. Saurin has operated against Riyadi’s account for years, entrusted by Riyadi to act responsibly, but Saurin has caused him untold damage. The entire chain of this money was a lie, a fraud, and a scam. This means that 15T USD of falsely created money has been issued, traded, and laundered through the banking system making huge profits. To whose benefit? How much profit was made and where is it now? We want it back with taxes levied, and in good hands helping the world.
The Fed’s accompanying instructions for the transfer of these funds, all personally authorized by Mr. Benjamin Bernanke, included instructions to utilize part Euro funds already lodged with HSBC for the Pureheart account. This was the delay in processing this 50 Billion Euro portion of the transfers, perhaps “fees for the boys,” which caused Mr. Bernanke to fly to the UK and personally walk through the execution of this transfer. This may possibly have been with the knowledge of Lord Stephen Green, who was the Chairman of HSBC at that time. Euro funds later appeared, perhaps as pay offs, in the accounts of fraudsters Sandip Goyal and Wilfredo Saurin for assisting in executing this fraud.
When challenged about Saurin’s role, and imminent risk of arrest for his many scams, Marlon McCall openly stated that Wilfredo Saurin is a Federal Reserve Bank of New York protected agent, and will not be arrested as he is being protected by Homeland Security and the Fed as a managed agent. That explains a lot! Anyone issuing fraudulent US dollars is typically tracked down anywhere on the planet by the US, yet Saurin is always the Teflon man. On one hand, Saurin appears on Fed warning sites, including many Asian media warnings of his many crimes and fee scams; but on the other hand, the FED deals and colludes with him. What shameful duplicity.
The deal offered by Pureheart to the UK to try to get these funds repatriated was as follows:
McCall was crying - the Brits had frozen him out. What a turn around. For almost a century the Fed Scammers raided the planet, and now the Brits have pulled their pants down for 15T USD.
This 15T USD would easily have made over 50T USD in inter-bank trading. Look at the taxes missed on those profits – approximately 20 Trillion USD. The RBS Board is liable for criminal prosecution as are many others. The Bank of Indonesia has serious questions to answer here as well. JP Morgan helped initiate this Fed scam and HSBC helped launder it. We call for a joint Congressional, UK Lords, and Treasury Task Force to go after it all. In one swoop, we stabilize the EU, UK and US economies. Once released, the Global Settlement money will go towards funding infrastructure projects, creating jobs, increasing revenues, and reducing crime, thus reducing despair, creating hope and providing opportunity. Wilfredo Saurin and Sandip Goyal are flagged on many sites. Why do they have HSBC and Credit Suisse Bank accounts? Who cleared them?
On the 16th of February, 2012, in the House of Lords, one courageous man, akin to Churchill attempting alone to warn of the Nazis threat to peace, Lord James of Blackheath, showed the vision, integrity, and fortitude to stand up, be counted, and expose to the House of Lords, the stark evidence of Global Fraud, which he so eloquently stated “there may have been a massive piece of money-laundering committed by a major Government who should know better.” Also, in his words, “a major American department has an agency which has gone rogue.” This is a scam of major size and a key to the recovery of the money needed to immediately boost America’s economy, stabilize the EU and fund the Global Settlements.
Lord David James of Blackheath
Lord James invited The House of Lords to assess the implications of his concerns and requested a full inquiry. While MI6 played around the edges, focused Treasury minds have still not commenced with the thorough investigation needed, nor has the UK Treasury or Foreign Office stood-up and sought to establish the truth. Lord Sassoon missed the whole point by passing it off with a presumption that, if the Gold claimed was bogus, it was just a scam from Wilfredo Saurin. He purposely overlooked the real issue; money raised against gold that does not exist is fraudulent. Sassoon should know that grandstanding can make or break careers.
The consequences of what Noble Lord James was seeking to expose are far reaching. He was offering a key to the Pandora’s Box of the uncontrolled Cabal and corrupt US agency, with activities carried out not in the interests of Sovereign protection, but for the usurping interests of corrupt banking, political and agency greed. The extent of the fraud may be too great for State Agency staff to understand, as Sassoon has shown by failing to look into it, so perhaps someone needs to help them all understand our real dangers and risks. This may help a significant group of international leaders and governments to finally grasp what has been and still is happening. What follows will expand consciousness of this very nasty reality to focus on the key issues and to assist prosecution.
The “agency” Lord James previously raised concerns about in the House of Lords, which he prudently referred to as Foundation X, is in fact the Pureheart Investment operation run by General Lorin William Rossier and assisted by dubious Chief Attorney Marlon McCall. This “agency” is claimed by McCall to be a subsidiary of Homeland Security, a fact supported by the UN and Homeland codes interjected into their SWIFT transfers for the identified 15 Trillion USD raised by FRAUD, with no Congressional awareness, oversight or permission. Why is the US Congress not getting this? 15T USD was heisted on YOUR watch Congressman Issa! Where is our Standards Committee now?
Lord James had originally been approached by Marlon McCall, in turn linked with Sandip Goyal and the notorious Asian Con Man Wilfredo Saurin, with dual intent.

On one hand, they were seeking to offer a too-good-to-be-true 6 billion pounds loan to Her Majesty’s Government, which they had on deposit at HSBC. They also sought Lord James’ assistance to get HSBC and others to acknowledge the 15T USD, which had been wired previously by JP Morgan, on behalf of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, via HSBC, for further credit to the Royal Bank of Scotland, for the Pureheart account, now sequestrated by rogue RBS bankers. Poetic justice prevails, as scammers got scammed by the Bankers.
The LWR, GOT S.A., and Pureheart Investments, appears to be a vehicle operated in conjunction with the US Fed, Treasury, and selective US Agencies, with even UN complicity as shown by the attached SWIFTS. All these entities were cross-compromised by McCall having spent eight weeks in the hospital, preventing the Agency from playing its full role in the US Debt ceiling crisis in August 2011, where the 15T USD debt shortfall was miraculously solved out of thin air utilizing this fraudulent operation.
Pureheart is an unregulated and covert operation of the US Government, with possible links to the Revenue Sustainability Fund (RSF), which funds should have been utilized by the Fed /Treasury to prepare the way for the imminent Global Settlements, which continue to be blocked by the self-interests of the Rothschild’s, Bush’s, and the Heritage Funds. These funds, once released, would help prepare the way for the critical and necessary re alignment of all major global trading currencies, but most importantly, the consolidation of substantial sovereign debts owed. The world’s biggest problem is lack of economic stability, which we can begin to solve by taking this money and paying the Settlements.
In some areas the RSF has been using Pureheart for several years as a means of clandestinely distributing large volumes of dollars into sovereign economies as a means of maintaining the image of stability. However, this has been a double edged sword, which will be addressed later.
What took place was, in effect, a massive money laundering scheme. The US Treasury had run dry, so they defrauded the global monetary system by illegally creating additional money, which was subsequently stolen. WE NEED TO DEMAND THIS MONEY BANK AND PAY THE GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS. There is enough incriminating evidence to hold them all accountable. The scale of collusion defies belief, yet it happened and still continues. Congress and the House of Lords need to establish a Joint Task Force to immediately recover this money, and in one swift action, rebalance the world’s economies.
Pureheart functions with no direct oversight and with investigating parties being told “hands off” by key Central Banks, the Treasury, and by major intel agencies. In an operation created by Pureheart, utilizing the notorious Wilfredo Saurin, the well-known international fraudster; a scam was set up to wire a total of 15T USD in three separate tranches of five trillion dollar SWIFT transfers from the Federal Reserve to the account of LWR, GOT S.A., Pureheart Investment to HSBC London, for further credit to Royal Bank of Scotland Global Plc. The attached SWIFT transfers and confirmations reveal the smoking gun, including the SWIFT regarding the bogus gold. This was a very sophisticated cross-agency and bank criminal operation known and colluded to at the highest level. All the money can be traced.
- On the 20th of April 2009, the first tranche of five trillion dollars was wired using USD SWIFT transfer N: 400930153. The onward transfer from RBS to RBS Group used SWIFT transfer No: 8163708748 with confirmatory tracking and onward SEQUE 851962 at 4.53pm.
- On the 27th of April 2009, the second tranche of five trillion dollars was made USD SWIFT Transfer No 4319901756. Confirmatory tracking SEQUE 924573 at 1.28pm.
- On the 4th of May 2009, the third tranche of five trillion USD SWIFT Transfer No 1186308258. Confirmatory tracking and onward SEQUE 259043 at 2.14pm
- On the 11th of May 2009, a 50 billion Euro transfer was made by SWIFT Transfer No: 4027105584. Confirmatory tracking and transfer SEQUE 275903 at 2.25pm. (This was later to be pursued for release from HSBC by no other than the Fed Chairman himself coming out of the woodwork.)
April 20, 2012
Now, an interesting scenario occurred when they transferred this “created money,” where asset backing was needed to balance the books. They realized they had a serious compliance shortfall problem backing up the history of funds. They needed to cook-the-books fast to give a credible asset to justify raising the cash. So, on the 20th of May 2009, operating in conjunction with Wilfredo Saurin, they wired SKR’s (Safekeeping Receipts) from the Bank of Indonesia (BI) for an alleged gold bullion transfer of 750,000 metric tons. It was of course bogus and fraudulent. Attached is the issued SWIFT Transfer No 4200754365. Confirmatory tracking and transfer SEQUE 194743 was also issued at 10:21 am. You will discover coincidentally from the BI SWIFTS, the sum amounts to the 15T USD needed to underpin the US Fed fraud.
This was all predicated by Saurin against the back up account of Yohannes Riyadi, which only holds 700 metric tons of gold, and can never be moved. We have and hold copies of the real Bank of Indonesia custodial records and full Deputy President Confirmation of Riyadi’s account on a special Fed Bank of Indonesia sub platform. Saurin has operated against Riyadi’s account for years, entrusted by Riyadi to act responsibly, but Saurin has caused him untold damage. The entire chain of this money was a lie, a fraud, and a scam. This means that 15T USD of falsely created money has been issued, traded, and laundered through the banking system making huge profits. To whose benefit? How much profit was made and where is it now? We want it back with taxes levied, and in good hands helping the world.
The Fed’s accompanying instructions for the transfer of these funds, all personally authorized by Mr. Benjamin Bernanke, included instructions to utilize part Euro funds already lodged with HSBC for the Pureheart account. This was the delay in processing this 50 Billion Euro portion of the transfers, perhaps “fees for the boys,” which caused Mr. Bernanke to fly to the UK and personally walk through the execution of this transfer. This may possibly have been with the knowledge of Lord Stephen Green, who was the Chairman of HSBC at that time. Euro funds later appeared, perhaps as pay offs, in the accounts of fraudsters Sandip Goyal and Wilfredo Saurin for assisting in executing this fraud.
When challenged about Saurin’s role, and imminent risk of arrest for his many scams, Marlon McCall openly stated that Wilfredo Saurin is a Federal Reserve Bank of New York protected agent, and will not be arrested as he is being protected by Homeland Security and the Fed as a managed agent. That explains a lot! Anyone issuing fraudulent US dollars is typically tracked down anywhere on the planet by the US, yet Saurin is always the Teflon man. On one hand, Saurin appears on Fed warning sites, including many Asian media warnings of his many crimes and fee scams; but on the other hand, the FED deals and colludes with him. What shameful duplicity.
The deal offered by Pureheart to the UK to try to get these funds repatriated was as follows:
- One third was to go to the US Treasury.
- One third was to go to Pureheart. To whom and for what purpose?
- One third was to go to the UK for “services rendered in providing shelter for these funds for two years.”
- Seize back the first one third with five trillion USD right now for US economic needs
- Give nothing to Pureheart, and instead the second 5 Trillion USD comes back to the US
- Use the last third to stabilize the UK and the EU
- Identify the vast profits which will have now been made from these funds, recover it, and pay the Private and Global Settlements.
- Set up a Congressional Task Force and go after this money
McCall was crying - the Brits had frozen him out. What a turn around. For almost a century the Fed Scammers raided the planet, and now the Brits have pulled their pants down for 15T USD.
This 15T USD would easily have made over 50T USD in inter-bank trading. Look at the taxes missed on those profits – approximately 20 Trillion USD. The RBS Board is liable for criminal prosecution as are many others. The Bank of Indonesia has serious questions to answer here as well. JP Morgan helped initiate this Fed scam and HSBC helped launder it. We call for a joint Congressional, UK Lords, and Treasury Task Force to go after it all. In one swoop, we stabilize the EU, UK and US economies. Once released, the Global Settlement money will go towards funding infrastructure projects, creating jobs, increasing revenues, and reducing crime, thus reducing despair, creating hope and providing opportunity. Wilfredo Saurin and Sandip Goyal are flagged on many sites. Why do they have HSBC and Credit Suisse Bank accounts? Who cleared them?