Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mainstream Media Covers New Banking Legal Action

Finally, Mainstream Media Covers New Banking Legal Action!

2012 May 8 - Posted by Stephen Cook - Thanks to Luisa

This is phenomenal! At last, action against the world’s central and reserve banks makes a mainstream media outlet!

This video was published on You Tube just yesterday (May 7, 2012). It is from the mainstream South African news station ABN Digital, Africa’s leading online platform in business, economic and stock market news.

Separate to the Neil Keenan/Keith Scott filed liens against the 12 Us Federal Reserve Banks and the liens they have filed against the international G7 Central Banks, South African author, researcher and scientist, Michael Tellinger has just filed his own 1,100 page notice of motion against South Africa’s Standard Bank in the country’s Constitutional Court, accusing the bank of “unlawful and unconstitutional activity”.

He has also served the notice on South Africa’ s Reserve Bank and the country’s Minister of Finance.

“It is pure exploitation of every South African citizen!”  he says. (And the world, Michael, and the world!)

Michael Tellinger is interviewed by ABN’s Samantha Loring.
