Tuesday, May 8, 2012

John Kettler: ETs/EDs Ruin Quakes Forecast By Jack Coles

ETs/EDs Ruin Quakes Forecast By Jack Coles–Had 92% Prediction Accuracy Before This

ETs/EDs Hold Earth Together! Image Credit: NASA via Wikimedia Common
ETS/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) are starting to make believers from skeptics while confounding conventional scientific investigators. California’s San Andreas Fault, which marks the tectonic boundary between the North American Plate and the northward advancing Pacific Plate has long been locked. Renowned quake predictor Jack Coles (story in three parts) had forecast two big quakes for this  past weekend, (two 6.5-7.5s, one in the San Francisco Bay Area and the other extending “from Santa Barbara to Mexico,” with magnitude one higher if at sea), corresponding with the full Moon and the Super Moon (moon at perigee). The ETs/EDs intervened to prevent this, given the devastation it would’ve caused.

Numerous Earth sensitives, who felt the astronomic buildup of forces in the crust and suffered grievously in consequence, faithfully mirrored in the “screaming”strain gauges monitored by a Cal Tech scientist who wishes to remain nameless. That scientist simply can’t understand how there was no quake at all, let alone no red quakes (magnitude 6 or greater here ) not just on the San Andreas Fault, but anywhere planetwide since May 1st. As one longtime quake researcher put it, “I’m beginning to believe in the ETs/EDs and their force fields.”

Read the rest at..... http://johnkettler.com/etseds-hold-san-andreas-fault-together-no-quakes/