Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/12/12

Not all the
obstacles that you have come across have been purposely designed and placed in
your way by intelligent sources. Instead, some of these obstacles that you have
faced have been created by natural means or by situations that have developed
through your choices. Your path has been a gentle mix of these two forces that
have acted to oppose your advancement, and they have successfully worked to
strengthen your will, your determination and your stamina to withstand
everything that this universe can possibly place in your way as you continue on
throughout your journey.
We of the
higher realms can see clearly from our vantage point just how far you have come
and just what kind of challenges you have faced and have conquered along the
way. If you could see at this time what we see, you would not allow the few
uncertainties and challenges that await you up ahead as you close out the last
few miles and the last few days of your journey throughout the lands of duality
to discourage you. Instead, you may relish the few obstacles left before you,
and excitedly and eagerly look forward to meeting them head on and conquering
them like you have done so many times before.
After all
that you have been through throughout your long journey that has taken you
through so much hardship and struggle, to look towards the days ahead with
doubt and worry or fear that you will not be able to rise up to their
challenges would fall in the face of reason. There is nothing that awaits you
that amounts to anything more than you have already faced so many times before
and have lived on to face yet another challenge stronger, wiser and more
determined than ever before due to the powers that each successive challenge
possessed. Up ahead there are yet more challenges for you, but look beyond them
and you will see a stronger you, a wiser you, a more determined and confident
you, for that is the prize that awaits you, and that is the reason why today you
walk head on into these challenges.
Have these challenges
that await you up ahead been carefully crafted by intelligent beings, or have
they been created naturally through the thoughts and the choices that you have
made and continue to make today? Here once again we have a gentle mix of both
of these powers of manifestation. It is not one, and it is not the other, but
it is both of these. The challenges that wait before you are as if a series of
smaller waves have intersected and have become one, making their way towards
you as you make your way towards it. As we have assured you all along, there is
nothing to fear and no reason whatsoever for any of you to doubt in any way
that you will tame the seas and push through the waves, ship intact, to
continue your journey safely and confidently towards your horizon.
We are your
friends and your family, and are here in large numbers to assist you in every
way that we can and every way that you will allow us to make this as smooth as
a transition as is possible, to defeat every obstacle that lies before you, and
to make it clear your understandings of what you are experiencing and what
awaits you after this chapter of your story is completed. What we are not here
to do is do everything for you, and this we have made clear to you on many
occasions and through many different sources in the hopes that this knowledge
would become part of your collective understanding, so that there will be no
misunderstanding when the time comes to meet these challenges that it is you
that must stand up to defeat them and that it is not us that you are waiting
for to do this work for you.
challenges and obstacles that await you are not learning tools that have been
created, either intelligently or naturally, for us. We have our own learning
tools to further our advancement, and some of these are intelligently designed
or naturally designed challenges and obstacles. The events that will bring forth
better understanding and growth for you are events that are custom designed and
tailored just for you, humanity, existing within the 3rd dimension of existence.
It would do you no good whatsoever if we stepped in and defeated these
challenges for you. This is one of the reasons why we do not merely use our
experience and superior technology to intervene on your behalf and make haste
in dispensing of each and every obstacle that stands in your path.
There are
those of you who are under the misunderstanding that we are here to save you in
some way. This could not be further from the truth. We are here in assistance
to you, and we are honored to be of service to you in this way. We will not
under any circumstances overstep our bounds and take away what has been carefully
crafted for you to empower you and gift you through such experience. If we
chose to step in and intervene we would be hurting you in the long run, as we
would be effectively taking away from you an opportunity for you to grow and to
become everything that you wish to become through your journey through the
physical realm of existence.
We love you,
you are our soul brothers and our soul sisters, and we would never take from
you your opportunity to create for yourselves a stronger being, a wiser being,
a more determined and courageous being, and take from you your opportunity to
slay the beast and bask in the reward for such a valiant and courageous effort.
There is a prize that awaits each and every one of you, and if you could see it
as we see it you would understand how we would never make any effort to take away
from you this opportunity and all the possibilities that are today yours.
We are the
Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled
through Greg Giles English