Message from the Ashtar Command 5/2/12

Although it
is true that there will be those of you who do not make this transition, we say
to you that all those who wish to make this transition will successfully leave
the old paradigm behind them. How this will all manifest is up to each and
every one of you to think about and ponder for yourselves, as we feel it is
important for you to utilize your imaginations and think about the many
possibilities and the many different paths you as individuals and as a society
can travel.
It is not
our right to come here and tell you your possibilities are limited. It is not
our task to tell you things will be this way or things will be that way, for it
is up to each and every one of you to discover and define the limits or
boundaries of your existence or decide for yourselves that you wish to place no
limits or boundaries on your new experience. For us to come here and tell you that
you will experience your ascension in a certain way according to certain
parameters, would be an attempt to place restrictions on you and your
experience. This is why we do not suggest to you in any way precisely how you
will experience the end of duality and the beginning of your new adventure.
This is why we leave this subject wide open and do not define for you any rules
or limitations on what you can and will experience.
understand that there are many of you who wish to learn so much more about your
ascension and we tell you that you can learn more about your ascension by
learning more about yourselves, your powers and your endless possibilities to
travel through your journey of existence anyway you so choose. This is how you
can learn more about your ascension, and we will assist you to learn more about
yourselves in any way that we can. We feel we have been doing just this for
quite some time now, and we do see many of you learning so much more about who
it is you truly are and what it is that you are capable of.
such as one that you are on at this time are incredible voyages of mystery and
wonder, and we do not wish to step in and read for you the final page or
chapter of your story to you. Instead, we wish to allow you the freedom to
write your own story and complete it anyway that you wish. We are here to
assist you write your story, and we will furnish you with all the creative
tools that you need to complete such a work. We will not attempt in any way to
influence the words you would compose, this scenery you will design, and the
settings you will create. We will do our best not to influence you in the plots
you will build, the enemies you shall conceive, the romances you will blossom,
the goals you will strive for, the surprises you shall reveal or the heroes
that will shine. We only wish to assist you in every way write this incredible
story, and share with you our experience and wisdom that we have attained as we
write our own stories. This is what we will do, and we are very happy and
honored to be of assistance to you in this way.
We hope that
you graciously accept our assistance and allow us to help you complete this
chapter of your story, just as there have been those that have helped us in
this way. This is how it is in this universe, where beings from all galaxies
and corners of the cosmos come to the assistance of others, to help them along
their journey just as others has have helped them along. One day soon you too
will be assisting other worlds in this way, and you will share with them your
knowledge, your wisdom and your experience, and you will say to them that you offer
your assistance to them to help them along their journey just as there were
those who assisted you.
You too may
find it a challenge initially to show others that you have come with peaceful
and honorable intentions, just as we face this challenge here in your world
today. You may choose to share with them your messages of love and light, peace
and hope, determination and strength, courage and self empowerment, just as we
share these messages with you today. You may also begin to slowly reveal your
ships to them to better prepare them for your introductions, just as we are
lighting up our ships throughout the skies all over your world a little bit
more each day and each week to better prepare you for our introductions. You
may create your own ways to begin your introductions as well, as we see so many
of you as wonderfully creative beings with unlimited imagination and idea. We
know we can learn so much from you when we can once again live and work among you,
and we hope that you too can learn much from us in the days ahead.
this chapter of your story will be ending shortly in the days ahead, it can
also be said that your story is just getting started as there are so many
wonderful surprises in store for each of you who wishes to turn the next page
and continue writing your adventure. We say to you that your book will be read
by beings throughout this entire universe, and tell you that so far it is a
saga of epic drama, excitement and wonderment. Do not limit yourself in any way
by creating for yourself guidelines, rules, limitations, boundaries or
parameters, as your adventure is beyond any scope, and is limited only by your
creative imaginations.
We are your Family
of Light from the stars.
As channeled
through Greg Giles