Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Drama Between Wolf Spirit Radio & Freedom Reigns

Kauilapele: Bill Wood Sheds Light on “the Drake”/FR Situation, on “Truth Revealed” Radio Show (on WSR) 5-14-12… MP3s

You know, soap operas are not my thing. However, sometimes I’m drawn to observe a few, just to see how they might relate to what’s going on with the planet. And it’s ascension process.

And it is very clear (to me, at least) that President Obama may be one of the greatest “soap opera creators” of all time. So I will point out that the 5-6-12 Bill Wood Eva Moore videos (on this blog, here (videos) and here (MP3s version)), which presented intel that the PO (President Obama) was setting things up in the country (via NDAA, etc.) to allow the legal “take out” of all of the “dark players” operating in this country (I am in the USA, if you did not know*). And playing both sides of the fence as a kind of double, triple, maybe even “many-tuple” agent. This apparently led to bit of a firestorm at Freedom Reigns (FR), and Bill was subsequently described as a “not to be trusted” person (I could add more, but you get the idea). Why? In part, because his intel presented the PO as one who might actually be a “good guy”. And in part, because of an article from a “source” (Mr. William Silva) that said this and that and that and this about Bill Brockbrader (and his extremely identical twin, Bill Wood).

Okay, enough of that.

I listened to this full show yesterday (now, is it Truth Revealed? Wolf Spirit Radio? All of the above? I’m still a bit confused, but doesn’t matter as long as the message comes out.), and he explains what has been happening (from his view at his end), in about the first 15 minutes of the show.

The rest is a more extensive description of what Bill sees is occurring here, namely a disinfo type program carried out through a kind of “Freedom Reigns ‘disinfo portal’”.

Now, please note, I do NOT see or any of their sites as disinfo portals. ANY site can be used by disinfo specialists to put out disinfo, as described by Bill in this show. Personally, everyone I’ve conversed with at FR have been kind, helpful, and direct. They’ve answered my emails quickly and courteously. They’ve taken on a big job. There is a lot of help for all of us at the FR site, as well as through their other sites and radio shows. The intent for “Freedom” is there.

All in all, I view all of this as a temporary glitch (and maybe correction) in the human software involved here (and although many of my own software glitches have been removed, the Higher Programmers are still finalizing mine!!). Which should be resolved soon.

* Technically, I’m still in the Republic of Hawaii, since it was annexed illegally (as I understand it).
MP3s (each part, 30 min., 5 MB)

(note: all music was removed, and empty spaces, (GEEK ALERT) except in Part 3, there’s about 5 minutes or so of them talking about software glitches and hack attacks… pardon I missed that; and the volumes were leveled out a bit and amped up)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Complete show (2 hrs., 21 MB)

Play Complete Show Here 
