Saturday, 12 May 2012 14:36
05/12/2012 09:08 AM
NATO Summit: Something Wicked This Way Comes
A friend of mine is a volunteer first responder in a nearby Chicago suburb. The local police department had a meeting with the group recently and told them to prepare for mass evacuations. They are preparing to evacuate citizens from the city. This is being carried out from Joliet south, to Rockford west and to Milwaukee north.
He said you will not hear anything on the television news networks or radio until the SHTF. The Milwaukee Red Cross are on standby with shelters and medical supplies. He further stated that the news media isn't telling us the huge build up of military and Federal personnel that is being staffed in and around the city. Anyone living in the city or near suburbs should stock up for the next week and stay home. This may lead to home invasions, burglaries or worse.
Note: If you have any additional info in this regard feel free to contact me at