'500 Kiloton Nuke Bomb...And Sub...Go Missing From Germany'

'A nuclear weapon that wasn’t supposed to exist, a single 500 kiloton hydrogen bomb, one of four being tracked, was seen being loaded at the German port of Bemerhaven, Germany.
The groups assisting in what we were informed was a counter-terrorism surveillance operation were the American NSA, British MI 6, the Office of Naval Intelligence and the British Royal Navy. The “device” was loaded onto a Germany built “Dolphin” submarine and left the harbour doing 7.5 knots.
The submarine disappeared while being tracked by every sophisticated device NATO seems to be able to own or borrow. At least one of those from among the listed agencies was arrested by the local police force in Oxford, their electronic surveillance gear siezed, were confined for 12 hours despite being above arrest and detention as a senior NATO intelligence officer.'
Read more: 500 Kiloton Nuke Bomb...And Sub...Go Missing From Germany?