Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Update By Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierachy and the Galactic Federation - April 24, 2012

8 Ahau, 13 Kank'in, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! We have been informed that several major banks worldwide are nearly ready to transfer ownership and management. This is part of the massive shift of financial power out of the hands of the dark into those of the Light, and is the result of recent maneuvers by the Ascended Masters. Furthermore, the time has come to consolidate the funds that were first posited by Saint Germaine in the early 18th century, and by Quan Yin in the 7th century. These large reserves of gold and silver are the basis for shifting wealth on your world away from a select few over to those who are fully committed to the creation of universal prosperity for the planet. Accompanying this transfer is the new banking system which will be completely transparent in its varied transactions. The new banking is rooted in the unprecedented injunction that banks be the divine instruments of the Light. They are to be used to manage various corporations (special partnerships) charged with specific and temporary mandates: to distribute technologies and related services to benefit the health and well being of your global populations.

    Our part in these initial changes is to watch the dark's reactions to what is fast becoming a fait accompli. Despite this, these dark ones remain largely defiant of what is happening. The legalities of the many changes to the very foundations of your financial and political power structures confound them, and their disbelief can be seen in the way they react to the speed and success with which these changes are being taken up by the nations of the world. Being accustomed to 'ruling the roost' unimpeded, they cannot accept that their best efforts to maintain control are impotent against the momentum that the new reality is gaining across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. The obvious inevitability of the changes panics them, and their attitude toward us has become rather more respectful than before. They too can see clearly that the moment for their removal from hitherto unassailable bastions of power is ready to begin. What we await is Heaven's green light, and this is to be given to us at any moment!

    The Ascended Masters together with the secret sacred societies have been meeting with our liaison personnel to set up a new networking system for your major global banks. The aim is to bring these banks under new management and then to regionalize the subsidiary branches. The downsizing this entails will permit newly reorganized smaller banks to play a larger role in managing the prosperity funds that some of you are shortly to receive. The goal is a system of personalized and friendly banks that can effectively serve your individual purposes. At the same time, the now-withheld technologies for both Gaia's and your healing will be released, along with retrained medical experts who will be available to cater to your health needs. There are so many of you who now needlessly suffer from apparently 'incurable' diseases and who require the use of these devices to heal and return to vibrant health. Your beloved Gaia is also in urgent need of rehabilitation, and this cleansing is a top priority of the new governments.

    Another essential component that must come on line before mass contact is the instituting of new governance, and a prime aspect of this equation is each one of you. The infusion of prosperity into your lives frees you up, enabling you to better look after your individual interests. Each of your elected legislators needs to be transformed into a capable and caring public servant, backed up by a public watchdog network of oversight councils. It will be your responsibility to come together and form such collegiums. In turn, each community needs to recognize the vital importance of providing clear guidance to national levels of government. This oversight activity is a practical prelude to forming your own galactic society. To us, service to our community and star-nation is a grand honor that each of us carries out conscientiously, and we feel most gratified to play our part in our society's problem-solving. This communal effort takes into account the talents and abilities of us all, and in return our form of collective governance acknowledges each one for their unique contribution to the whole.

    Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Presently, we are in the final stage of reconstituting our irrevocable world trusts. The documents to achieve this have been issued, and those banks and families who were initially given access to these funds have been informed that the time has arrived for us to gather them back and prepare them for distribution. Simultaneously, we are invoking our legal fiduciary rights to a number of large corporate banks. These legal documents are the basis for all of us to acquire these institutions and reorganize them into banks that can serve the people and help manifest the Divine Will on planet Earth. The distribution of your prosperity funds is soon to occur. On another front, our associates are busy completing the legal documents that legitimize the mass arrests of leadership of major governments and their replacement by a series of designated caretaker regimes.

    Our associates are working with the Agarthans and the Galactic Federation to achieve the transference of governance as soon as possible. We are monitoring the individuals most responsible for the dark's control of your world and have had many discussions with them regarding the advent of the Light on this world. Our advice to them is to forsake their dark projects and gladly accept the blessed will and decrees of Heaven. Our aim in these personal discussions with them is simply to help them transition into the Light. We have explored their options in accepting the grace of Heaven and thus allowing all to happen according to the wondrous proclamations of Lord Surea. We have also laid out clearly to them the alternative scenario of their arrest and punishment by those societies they once so arrogantly controlled.

    Our divine sisterhoods and brotherhoods of the Light are ecstatic about the fact that the initial work to transform your world is essentially complete. We are now setting up the events that are to come, as the divine timetable takes full effect on your world. Each one of us daily blesses each one of you. You are here to perform a magnificent miracle: your change into fully conscious Beings of Light. Your space and Inner Earth families are ready to assist you in manifesting this miraculous shift. The environment required for this event is soon to manifest. Use your immense prosperity to help rehabilitate Gaia, by cleaning her seas and rivers, her air and land. Welcome your families that come from afar to help. You are preparing yourselves for a truly enthralling adventure. Nothing less than Creation awaits you! The time comes to grab this ring and join us to serve Heaven and all of galactic humanity!

    Today, we talked about what is happening around your world. Never lose sight of the fact that you are not alone. Around you is a vast army of dedicated Beings who are making is possible to bring a new reality into being. So be proud, be strong, and above all, do what you are drawn to do to help our mutual, sacred cause. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)