An additional channel for me – SaLuSa channeled by Isabel Henn April 15, 2012 | Isas Lechfeld Tales II

I chose now to cooperate with an additional channel. Because I know how well Isabel works with the Lord of Sirius and Archangel Raphael, my choice fell on her. After initial hesitation, she finally agreed to receive my messages. The requirement of an additional channel arose from my desire to reach more people. Mike, Laura and Isabel all have a share to the same, but larger to a different part of friends and acquaintances.
More and more people are awakening now and looking for explanations and truths. They can feel the changes currently taking place and the energies, the love, that is reaching in an ever greater extent to Earth. They are concerned in parts because they do not know the contexts. There is no reason for any fears or concerns. All changes are developing according to plan. We are very pleased with the progress of things. You can, however, affect the process even more positively by consciously dreaming your ideas of your new world into life. Look to your families, neighbors, colleagues and even strangers and give them a smile. Give them the warmth of your unconditional love and help them to wake up and remember who they really are. Divine Beings, Angels on Earth.
As Lightworkers, you have come to Earth to spread and anchor your light. You’re doing a great job and we are very pleased with your attainments. Please don’t weaken now and remain firm in your light and your love, to offer people in the coming period a firm grip. Be a guide and beacon through the tumultuous events. It takes not much longer now and you will reach calmer waters and can take a deep breath again.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and look forward as you to the forthcoming landings, because I, like many other people on board of our ship, have relatives on Earth. We all wish an early reunion not only with our loved ones, but also with our Earth family.
Thank you SaLuSa
An additional channel for me – SaLuSa channeled by Isabel Henn April 15, 2012 | Isas Lechfeld Tales II.