Sunday, April 8, 2012

Radio Show Interview with a Pleiadian Starseed - Sunday April 8th

Our Galactic Family with Pleiadian Starseed Sierra Neblina, April 8, 2012

Graham Dewyea interviews Sierra Neblina onOur Galactic Family, Sunday, April 8, 2012

My guest this week is Sierra Neblina. Sierra is an intuitive Pleiadian starseed since birth, an ordained minister, and a Desert Storm veteran. Before incarnating on earth, she was a Pleiadian ship commander. She’ll share her remarkable story of being used by the military in the human/hybrid ET experiments orchestrated by the Greys, and an abduction that left her carrying a hybrid child. She’ll talk about the ships, experiments and real Men in Black she experienced at NORAD in Colorado Springs, going underground and off the grid for ten years, her Pleiadian walk in, how there are many different races of extraterrestrials helping humanity and the planet for Ascension, and more.

Our Galactic Family airs Sundays, 5:00pm Pacific time, 8:00 p.m. Eastern time: