Friday, April 13, 2012

North Korean Rocket Fails - E.T Intervention?

2012 April 12 - Posted by Stephen Cook -

North Korean Rocket Fails Less Than 90 Seconds After Launch

Stephen: No matter what we think about North Korea and whether they do or don’t have nuclear weapon capabilities or aims, today’s failed rocket launch – allegedly of a satellite – is most interesting.

Could the Galactics have stepped in? They, above everyone, would know if the country has ulterior motives. If so, maybe North Korea does have nuclear plans. And the Galactics have told us time and time again there will never be another nuclear weapon impact here on earth.

Maybe the rocket needed to fail to show the world that this sort of military silliness will no longer be tolerated and cause fear – even if it is just for military show. And maybe they were sabotaged from the ground level – either from within North Korea or elsewhere – by our earth allies. Yet again, could it have been stopped just to show the rest of the world that we have nothing to fear from North Korea at all?

Sadly, the politicians,  military experts, reporters and commentators throughout the world will be banging on for days about their various theories. Whatever they are, today’s rocket failure lessens the fear surrounding North Korea’s possible immediate plans. Personally, all I care about is that it fell back to Earth and did no damage – other than to plain, old 3D pride.

As this story from yesterday points out, I would love to see every country in the world redirect every cent of their defense budget to more humanitarian needs.

$815m Spent on North Korea Rocket Could Have Fed Millions

By Julian Ryall in Tokyo – The Daily Telegraph
April 12, 2012 -

The cost of the rocket, revealed in restricted documents seen by The Daily Telegraph, would have been able to buy 2.5 million tons of corn of and 1.4 million tons of rice – helping to alleviate poverty for millions.

North Korea is attempting to legitimise the rule of 28-year-old Kim Jong-un, who is assuming the titles of his father, Kim Jong-il, who died in December, and was on Wednesday named first secretary of the ruling Workers’ Party.

The country announced yesterday that it was ready to launch the rocket. The launch is due to take place between today and March 16.

Ignoring international warnings from the US and China, its key ally, the launch is also tied to the regime’s promise to its people that the year 2012 would see North Korea develop into “a strong and prosperous” nation...............................................


Now Why is THIS News? “North Korea Rocket 2012 Launch”…(or as Huffpo says, “Weapon of Mass Dysfunction”)

I saw this first here, thanks to Susan who put the link in a comment. I almost removed the comment, but then felt there was something to this.

Then later, I saw it reported at Huffington Post.
Now, all during the time after seeing that the rocket had failed, I kept getting that this had been “failed” by an ET “force”. They were the ones who canceled out this flight, in order to cancel out any cabal plans to incite a war by launching “stuff” out there, from there, a country that Ben Fulford has called one of their (the cabal’s) places (North Korea). That’s what I “got”.

So what next comes up was I checked John Kettler’s blog and found this article:
ETs/EDs Disintegrate North Korean Unha-3 Rocket…!
ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces reported clobbering the provocative North Korean missile launch in boost phase under a minute after ABC News reported a possible rocket failure. The ETs/EDs reportedly used precisely targeted phaser fire from one of their ships to wipe out the rocket and payload in a single fiery bloom. That target could’ve been taken out via certain orbital Earth built weapons, but the ETs/EDs “didn’t trust them,” so acted immediately. The Unha-3 and payload were destroyed at an altitude of 75,459 feet (23 kilometers), according to the ETs/EDs. The engagement was conducted interdimensionally and, per the ETs/EDs, from just outside the atmosphere.

ETs/EDs Say North Korea Lied About The Payload
According to the ETs/EDs, there was no weather satellite aboard. Rather, the payload consisted of a full service weight dummy thermonuclear warhead and associated telemetry gear, and that is why the ETs/EDs downed the rocket. It was anything but peaceful in intent, and, judging from various news reports, the Japanese rightly viewed it as a threat and were prepared to act. But how?

Japan Can Defend Herself, ETs/EDs & Sensitive Terrestrial Sources Agree
The Japanese today weren’t bluffing, seeing as how Japan has had very advanced Patriot missiles for some time now and has Aegis guided missile cruisers, which have substantial antimissile capability in their own right. Originally put in place as a defense against China, these systems now have another foe with whom to contend, North Korea. That foe, though, never reckoned on launch interdiction by the ETs/EDs! Today’s shootdown was intended by the ETs/EDs as a pointed reminder that highly charged provocative military acts and aggression won’t be tolerated. The ETs/EDs are sick of our endless fighting and wish we’d “learn to get along.” Maybe today’s object lesson will help.