Kauilapele: CVN News (Cosmic Vision News) Show 4-27-12… MP3s (volume adjusted)
Here is another episode of “Cosmic Vision News” with Geoffrey West. Again, as in the last CVN post, I feel this is the news of the future, now. Very much enjoyed listening to this, as Geoffrey (and guest Mark Kimmel) discussed current affairs and so on.
My own contribution was to volume level the original mp3, and split into two 30-minute pieces. Here are those links:

Part 1 (30 min., 5 MB)
Part 2 (30 min., 5 MB)
Here is the show summary, from the CVN 4-27-12 page.
Summary With Links
Donate via PayPal to: geoff@greenprintforlife.org
Disclosure: AVAAZ petition: www.bit.ly/wPMwRb
1. Euro-banking crisis
http://bit.ly/IfERst – FT.com
http://bit.ly/K3uJAR – Dutch gov’t
http://bit.ly/IeTOO9 – Fulford
http://bit.ly/JqYodf – shutdown of MICEX exchange
http://bit.ly/IeTS0t – bond suspension
Sheldon Nidle:
http://bit.ly/IYC9GY- webinar info
2. Energy/Oneness
http://bit.ly/zcBbXb – Bren-Ton
http://bit.ly/IbcYiQ – Bruce Lipton
http://bit.ly/IxkpEd- Gregg Braden
3. Ron Paul
http://bit.ly/JKbShi – Norway
4. Canada
http://huff.to/JGIFWx : http://bit.ly/IyfaDh : http://bit.ly/IgOMjX
http://bit.ly/9jAIMS Harper/Bilderberg
Harper/RCMP: http://bit.ly/zwILyv : http://bit.ly/AbDek1
http://bit.ly/IbkRVM – Harper/Howard speech
Music: Bubbles by S. Coltrane
5. Mark Kimmel: A Celebration of Light:
http://bit.ly/1GVMq – Cosmic Paradigm
http://bit.ly/8Z7Rfk – Marks Corner
http://bit.ly/zcBbXb – messages from the ship Athabantian
http://bit.ly/KhMnky- conference
Music: Back To The Future, Universal Pictures 1985.