Thursday, April 5, 2012

John Kettler Blog Updates

John Kettler Is Robert Stanley’s Guest, Thursday, April 5 At 8 p.m. Eastern

John Kettler will be the guest tomorrow night of UNICUS editor, researcher and writer Robert Stanley on “The UNICUS Radio Hour.” The show, featuring John Kettler, is set to run for two hours, but may go three and will have live call-in, as well as being archived for later listening. This should be quite interesting, since Mr. Stanley is a multiple contactee, has the pics to prove it and pics of government surveillance of himself. John Kettler has never seen a UFO, his only contact being with a bunch of benevolent ETs/EDs (extraterrestrial/extradimensionals) via direct or indirect interdimensional telepathic contact.


ETs/EDs Say We Should Be At “Star Trek TNG/DS9/”Voyager” Tech Level, But…

ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) have revealed we humans have been royally screwed, by negative ETs/EDs and our government, starting in 1934 with an illegal, unconstitutional secret treaty between the hostile ETs/EDs, the Orion Grays, and the U.S., via President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This followed the recovery by the U.S. Navy of a burning UFO (crewed by now dead ETs/EDs from Wolf 424) which ditched in the waters off San Diego in 1933, right next to a Spanish-American War vintage cruiser, and was quickly hauled aboard. The Navy eventually figured out the craft and flew it. That’s why the U.S. Navy is the senior service in all UFO areas/matters involving ETs/EDs. It even runs Area 51 on behalf of the U.S. Air Force!

Per the ETs/EDs, the terms of the treaty provided antigravity, weapon, free energy and medical technologies in exchange for U.S. noninterference with the Grays’ abduction and experimentation on humans, as well as hiding their presence. Think about that for a moment, given the technology of the time. We could’ve had free energy even earlier in the 1920s, via the great Nikola Tesla, but the ETs/EDs tell us the Rockefellers intimidated and even wiped out Tesla’s backers to stop this deadly threat to emerging Rockefeller petroleum empire.

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Chemtrails–ETs/EDs, Do Something!

Chemtrails–THE hot button for our readers, who are screaming for relief from the chemtrails by the ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals). Guess what? The ETs/EDs “listened” and ARE responding. They’re attacking both chemtrails & aircraft delivering them.

(From our insider newsletter of March 30, 2012)
Last week, one of our members got to see the Liberation Forces at work. An aircraft was chemtrailing, followed by a chemtrail eating spacecraft. Evidently tiring of this toxic diet, the spacecraft proceeded to hit the chemtrail aircraft with a smallish beam weapon, causing the aircraft to trail black smoke and apparently plunge into the San Bernardino National Forest somewhere in the vicinity of Apple Valley, California.

No forest fire occurred, no National Transportation Safety Board crash investigation team was called out, and we’re not even sure the ruined aircraft’s debris made it to the ground or simply disingtegrated. Intelligence sources have so far not been able to verify any such jetliner crash, so the disintegration is a very real possibility, one confirmed by contacts “topside”  Wreck or no wreck, great news for all of us getting “death dumped” from above!

Confirmation came by private E-mail!
I was on my way to the doctor’s office in Apple Valley on March 21, 2012 at approximately 1300 and I saw the chemtrail and then I saw the dark line coming off of it at an angle to the ground.  I kept watching thinking it was a shadow, but no matter what angle I watched it from it was there.  I drove from the base of the mountains all the way to Apple Valley and it was there the whole way.  Now I know what it was. 

They do a lot of chemtrails here in the San Bernardino mountains where I live.  Some days I can’t even go outside it is so bad….

Just wanted to confirm your story, I saw it too, now I know what it was.

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