Silver Legion - Introductory Interview with Tanath
Introduction to the Silver Legion - an interview with Tolecby Tanaath on 04/15/12
Hello all,
I'm pleased to link to an
interview between myself, Tanaath of the Silver Legion, and Tolec of the
Andromeda Council, on Tolec's YouTube Channel TolecfromDakote. You can
listen to the whole interview here.
This interview discusses a little bit about the history of the Silver
Legion - who we are, how we formed, what our work entails in somewhat
more detail than is presented on this website, and a little bit about
our Realm and the beings we are working against.
addition, I will be appearing on the Talk With Vince show on Vegas All
Net Radio on Saturday, the 21st of April. You will be able to listen
live or listen to the archived show here. The show it scheduled for 2 hours, and I will provide the time of the show once I know it.