Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/9/12
It is time you ask
yourself and find out why today you are lonely. It is time for you to
understand and to choose between those things in your life that give you
pleasure and the things in your life that cause you displeasure. It is
time for many of you to make a new start, and it is time for many of you
to leave behind the ways of the old paradigm and begin anew on a path
that will deliver you to the highest self you can be. All along your
journey you have chosen paths that would either bring you to a higher
state or a path that would lead you somewhere else. Your choice at this
time is no different, and you are being offered the opportunity to
travel a path that will bring you to a higher state or a path that will
bring to you more challenges and hardships characteristic of a lower
dimensional level. What you choose to do with this opportunity is
entirely up to you, and we only wish to bring to the forefront of your
consciousness this choice before you today. It is not our right to
persuade you in either direction. It is not anyone's right to influence
another in this way. All we will do is describe for you your choices and
where each will lead you. That is all we will do, and we will honor the
choices that you make.
matters of your world at this time we say to you all is proceeding
smoothly and all is currently on schedule to bring to your world the
many changes that are necessary to bring it to a higher state of
existence. This is the path that is being chosen by you as a collective,
and it is upon this path that your world will proceed into its future.
Whether you personally choose to also travel this path or not is up to
you, and there will be several points of destination that you may choose
to disembark at. One of these stations is just up ahead for you, and we
wait for each of you to make your decision whether you wish to remain
traveling on the same tracks or choose a new destination at the next
others to make their own choices whether they wish to proceed along
these tracks or not. Please do not unduly influence them, but allow them
their right of free will and choice. Not everyone has the same goals in
mind as you, and not everyone is here for the same reasons as you. Try
to always keep this in mind while discussing these choices with others
and you may understand them and their choices a little better. Remember,
they may not completely understand your choices either, and you will
expect of them to honor and respect your choices as well.
will always have the opportunity to meet these individuals again when
your paths may again cross, and you do not ever have to say goodbye to
anyone forever. Many friendships have been made and many hearts have
been broken throughout your long journey, and we tell you many more may
feel the loss that is felt when two souls have to say goodbye. This is
one of the aspects of our journeys, as there are many paths to be chosen
and just as many hearts that long for each destination. We say to you
follow your heart and follow no one else's, as it is important for you
to bring to yourself the experiences that will deliver you to your
highest self for your highest purpose. This is the direction your
compass points, and we say to you follow where your compass leads you,
for it is here you'll find the treasures that await just you.
was a time when the friends and loved ones you cherish today were a
point on your compass, and you chose the path that would lead you to
them and the experiences you have shared together. There are friends and
loved ones waiting for you at a point of your compass today, and they
await your choice of whether you wish to follow this path. There are
many adventures that have been tailor-made for you and many new friends
to enjoy these with who more accurately match your vibration, and you
will feel just as at home with them as you do with your friends today.
not worry that your new life will be one not of your liking, as the
life that awaits you is just what you have desired. There can be no
other way, as this is how your journey is created each and every step of
the way. Your friends, family, career and adventures will be everything
that you have longed for, and you have been creating this future with
every thought, with every word, with every dream you have had each and
every day of your long journey. You are choosing your own gifts for
yourself, there is no one else choosing for you. We are merely gift
wrapping your gifts for you, but it is you that has created these gifts
and it is you that has chosen these gifts out of all the others that are
available. Your gifts will be a perfect fit, the perfect color, and
opened at the perfect time, there can be no other way, and we know you
will enjoy them as they are just what you have wanted.
these gifts has been a long, and at times, rather difficult process,
and you have gone through great pains and great tests. This is what your
incarnations into the physical are all about. This is what all those
tests and trials have been for, and we say to you that you have reached
the end of this process and you are now about to reap the benefits of
all your experiences here. Nothing you have endured, nothing you have
loved and nothing you have lost has been in vain, as all of your
experiences are the ingredients necessary for the creation of the gifts
you are about to receive.
will see this clearly upon the presentation of all you have worked for,
and you will see even the most difficult of experiences here as a
blessing, for indeed, each and every moment of your experience has been
just that; a blessing. Pack up all your past experiences now as you can
take them with you on your journey, and at any time you wish to relive
these memories you can unpack, for they will always be a part of you and
they will always be a part of what has made you.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles