Fed Doc’s and The Revolving Door
http://www.dylanratigan.com/2012/04/16/fed-docs-and-the-revolving-door/April 16, 2012
Months after requesting the transcripts detailing what happened inside the Fed during the financial crisis, the Dylan Ratigan Show reveals the information they received, and discuss their findings with the Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim and Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden.
Check out Ryan Grim’s article on The Huffington Post: Fed Officials With Privileged Info Head to Wall Street.
What do you take out of this? Download the full PDF and print, here or simply view below.
Thanks to The Huffington Post, we were able to compile this revolving door list of individuals that were in attendance at these meetings, who moved into the private sector.
- Deborah Bailey (Deputy Director, Div of Banking Supervision and Regulation) - Deloitte - Patrick Barron (First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) – Retired - Meredith Beechey (Economist, Div of Monetary Affairs) – Sveriges Riksbank - Susan Bies (Committee member) – Bank of America - Laricke Blanchard (Assistant to the Board) – Pension Benefit Guranty Corporation (government agency) - Roger Cole (Director, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation) – Retired - Paul M. Connolly (First VP, Boston Fed) – Eastern Bank/John Hancock Life Insurance Company - J. Benson Durham (Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Affairs) – The Capital Group Companies - Karen Dynan (Ass’t Director, Division of Research and Stats) - Brookings - Joseph Gagnon (Deputy Associate Director, Div. of International Finance) – Peterson Institute - Michael Gapen (Economist, Div. of Monetary Affairs) – Barclays Capital - Jon Greenlee (Associate Director, Div of Banking Supervision and Regulation) – KPMG - Bob Hankins (Senior VP, Federal Reserve Dallas) - Retired - Thomas Hoenig (Committee member; President of Federal Reserve Kansas City) – FDIC - Donald Kohn (Committee member) – Brookings - Randall Kroszner (Committee member) – Patomak Global Partners/University of Chicago - Brian Madigan (Secretary and Economist; Associate Economist) - Barclays - Eileen Mauskopf (Senior Economist, Div of Research and Statistics) - Johns Hopkins - Laurence Meyer (Visiting Reserve Bank Officer, Div of Monetary Affairs) – Macroeconomic Advisers LLC - Cathy Minehan (Committee member) – Arlington Advisory Partners, Simmons College School of Management - Frederic Mishkin (Committee member) - Columbia - Michael Moskow (Committee member) – Chicago Council On Global Affairs - Stephen Oliner (Senior Adviser, Div of Research and Statistics) - AEI - Patrick Parkinson (Deputy Director, Div of Research and Stats) – Retired - Roberto Perli (Dep. Assoc. Dir., Div. of Monetary Affairs; Assistant Director, Div of Monetary Affairs) – International Strategy & Investment - Brian Peters (Senior VP, New York Fed) - AIG - William Poole (Committee member; President of St. Louis Fed) - Cato - Vincent Reinhart (Secretary and Economist) – AEI - Art Rolnick (Associate Economist; Senior VP Federal Reserve Minneapolis) – Human CapitalResearch Collaborative at the University of Minnesota - Gordon Sellon (Associate Economist) – Oklahoma City University - Nathan Sheets (Economist) – Citi - Coryann Stefansson (Associate Director, Div. of Banking Supervision and Regulation) – PwC - Gary Stern (Alt. Member, FOMC) - Washington U. St. Louis (and Too Big To Fail) - David Stockton (Economist) – Macroeconomic Advisers LLC - Kevin Warsh (Committee Member) – Hoover - Jonathan H. Wright (Deputy Associate Director, Div of Monetary Affairs) – Johns Hopkins