Spring Forward, May Brings Many Changes

I don't know this person outside of the emails I got. I'll just post it and let you all digest this information, I think Cobra at Portal 2012 has pretty much already prepped us as to what to expect, this might help explain the why of the May 5 mass meditation on World Liberation Day.
It has been a while since we have spoken. Things have been quite intense and draining on ones system.
So here goes:
This month will continue its course. It has been a murky and cloudy month. Tensions and efforts have been misdirected or muted. Energies have been haywire....this will continue for a few days into May.
May will be a defining time for the human race. There is a period of time that is Astronomically important...I mean that quite literally. From May 8th through May 20th there will be energies coming to us from many directions. But these energies are of positive sychronicity. We will have 12 days to prepare for what will be coming up. As a human race we will dive into very intense personal discussion on some very key topics. Events will be unfolding in such a manner that heartfelt discussion will be the only option.
In the upcoming weeks you will see a rapid transition of the economy. I think it might be frightful to many people, as change always is. There will be an immediate desire to accept the new changes by many as well. These are the ones who have ears....and listen.
******(side comment) American, in the upcoming month I feel it important to inform you that you must stay diligent and steadfast. It is going to get crazy. Keep your cool and wits about you. This is not only a month of change for the outward, but many conflicts in the realm of "GOD" will come into play. I use that term loosely. Basically the things that make "you"...."you" will be challenged. Keep rooted.
This is where everyone (including myself) can finally participate. I feel so hopeless at times to help the progression of what is coming. I am humbled often by the knowledge that while I am important..so is every other cog in this clock called Earth. I so very badly want to make public the things I know, but that is not my place. It is however my place to share with you what I can.
The American Dollar will end. I will not give a specific time or date. I have reason to suspect it will be this month. I cannot disclose how this will come about. Do know that it is very complicated and a work in progress. Luckily with the end goal of being rid of fiat dominance.....most everyone is on board. I have a feeling that this will soon be talked about very openly. The media will not truly know how to cover this time of news. Mainly because they haven't reported news for a while now. This is where you and many others come in.
During all this turbulence, light will guide the way. There are many people out there who have amazing ideas, thoughts and concerns about the direction of our world. There are many people who also do not. This is where the beauty of the human spirit comes into play. While this part of our history plays out. It is up to each "cog" to fulfill its role. You may think that to ignite change you need a "movement". This is a farce. To ignite change it starts at the heart level. This light that forms will radiate in a very large diameter. When you accept what you know to be true: "All is Love". This light will become palpable to those around you feeling scared and confused. The human heart has the largest electromagnetic field in the body. May is a month of the human heart.
There is a call to charge for those who have been awakened to the current state of humanity. It is your duty.....to stand and deliver. Keep open discourse with loved ones, close ones or anyone who listens. Trust me...these people often referred to as "sheeple" have such an immense desire for truth and reassurance. This is where us "good guys behind the screens" come in.
Keep mindful the news that comes out in May. This is a delicate issue. Know that truly this is the Era of the Golden Age. Darkness cannot escape light in a cornered room. That is where we are now.
May 20th is an eclipse. This will be a very important day for many reasons. You are witnessing the rapid evolution of the human race and its vessel Gaia. I speak in terms of the evolution of the physical and spiritual. Watch the behavior of the Sun. Its poles are acting quite strange. The end result being quite spectacular indeed.
Love and Light,