Monday, March 5, 2012

Tom Heneghan: Oh Canada! Ponzi Land Travels North of the Border

Oh Canada! Ponzi Land Travels North of the Border

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Sunday March 4, 2012

UNITED STATES of Ameria - Today we are going to provide an update on the biggest bank robbery (aka the privately ownedU.S. Federal Reserve's back door bail out of the European Central Bank) since the Brink's heist.

Let's refresh your memory, folks.

It was on the Martin Luther King holiday (when there are no records of banking transaction kept) that the privately ownedU.S. Federal Reserve issued a major line of credit to the Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada.

Note: The Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada was not closed for the American holiday and, accordingly, was able to receive this illegal electronic credit aka a form of a credit default swap to their call account.

The electronic credit, which involved a significant amount of U.S. currency (50% counterfeit), was quickly converted by the Dominion Bank into Canadian dollars. cp24. com

Note: Both current alleged U.S. pResident Barak Hussein Obama-Soetoro and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper received a large set aside commission on a transaction, which effectively LOOTED the U.S. and Canadian Treasuries aka the U.S. and Canadian Taxpayers.

Almost immediately the Dominion Bank wrote put options on the March euro currency futures contract utilizing the unregulated London LIFFE Exchange to clear the derivative transaction.

These written put options on the euro currency was a bet that the euro currency would not decline in value and that the options would expire worthless on 03-09-12, the same day, coincidentally, that the first installment of euro collateralization of the Greek bail out agreement was to be signed off and collateralized by the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

Note: Remember, folks, in Ponzi Land there is no coincidence.

It is clear now that these illegal, bogus compounded, cross-collateralized derivatives issued by the Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada were to be used to cement the 2nd Greek-ECB bail out while simultaneously protecting the major creditors tied to the bail out agreement aka Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank and the Royal Bank of Canada.
IMF President Christine Lagarde

idiva. com image courtesy Reuters

At this hour we can divulge that IMF President Christine Lagarde has informed the European Central Bank (ECB) and the ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association) that the IMF will not authorize the bogus derivatives as collateral to be used on March 9th to bail out Greece for a second time.

P.S. Now it gets worse. This latest financial ponzi scheme (criminal money laundry) dovetails to the latest crooked decision by the rogue ISDA to cancel the insurance aka the put options bought by major hedge funds that were placed to protect their investors against a Greek default and, accordingly, the debt exposure of the aforementioned Greek creditors aka the worldwide banking financial terrorist cabal.

Definition: The purchase of an option is a simple derivative bet that the underlying futures contract will decline in value and make the put option worth x amount of dollars while the actual sell of an option (writing a derivative) is a futures contract subjecting the option writer to the full margin requirements of the exchange on which the futures contract is traded.

So you see that the legitimate trade made by the hedge funds entail a lot less risk than the illegitimate, illegal trades instigated in the Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada.

Accordingly, it is no surprise that IMF President Christine Lagarde wants nothing to do with this crap and is saying "Non!"

In other words, folks, what the crooked ISDA is trying to say is that the illegal bogus derivative trades instigated in the Dominion Bank of Toronto, which are designed to bail out the European Central Bank (ECB), are legal, while the perfectly legitimate put options purchased by worldwide hedge funds, which were designed to protect their investors against the massive debt of these criminal worldwide banking institutions, are not!

This reminds me of the MF Global-JP Morgan money laundry fiasco. This is total bullshit!

P.P.S. All out financial WWIII is about to break out between the banks and the hedge funds.

We can now divulge that the insurance that was being purchased by the hedge funds from the banks was then used by the banks to create more cross-collateralized derivatives to artificially drive up the prices of U.S. stock index futures, euro currency futures, and the price of unleaded gasoline future contracts.

What these criminal banks have done is launder the premiums that the banks received from the hedge funds, and use the proceeds to drive up the price of the euro currency, stock index and energy future markets.

Now these banks want to suddenly complete another money laundry while canceling the legitimate trades made by the hedge funds so that they can continue to rig the world financial markets.

So, where is the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission), the NFA (National Futures Association) and the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) while all of this is going on? They are busy engaging in illegalwiretapping of ma and pa brokerage firms that are a threat to the criminal banking cabal that these alleged financial regulators are controlled by.

We also want to mention that a massive cover up continues in the MF Global-JP Morgan money laundry.

The current U.S. Attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald, is busy subpoenaing records from the CME Group that no longer exist given that the $1.8 billion of customer segregated accounts of MF Global were illegally electronically laundered through the unregulated London LIFFE Exchange, which does not keep records of derivative transactions.

Fitzgerald should concentrate more on subpoenaing records of the CFTC and the NFA, which signed off on the MF Global audit and allowed JP Morgan to directly loot and launder the MF Global funds.

Instead, we hear that Fitzgerald is not investigating anything but is busy with colleagues at a private law firm in Chicago, Skadden Arps, in an attempt to negotiate, and get this, folks, a CME buy out of the London LIFFE Exchange.

That is called a massive obstruction of justice!

Informed sources also tell us that executive officers of the CFTC, in concert with JP Morgan and its CEO Jamie Dimon, directly threatened the CME Group on the day MF Global declared bankruptcy in reference to allowing the massive JP Morgan money laundry to be completed.

Reference: There are tape recorded conversations of these threats currently in possession of U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald.

Now we hear the same forces are threatening the hedge funds!

P.P.P.S. Direct message to criminal banking cabal: Is the IMF and Christine Lagarde about to issue all of you a massive margin call?

Russian President Vladimir Putin re-elected

themoscowtimes. com

In closing, we would like to congratulate the re-election of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who at this hour is a REAL friend of the American People as he works to continue in his effort to solidify the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will put $1.75 TRILLION back into the U.S. Treasury.

Accordingly, the phrase of the day is as follows:

To quote Sir Lawrence Olivier from the famous BBC Thames production The World At War

"and the Nazi German gangster soldier dies every seven seconds inside the Stalingrad pocket, tick, tick, tick."

The Enemy Within

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear ~ Cicero Marcus Tullius

Tom Heneghan EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefings
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.