Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tom Heneghan: ECB Fraud is Federal Reserve Fraud

ECB Fraud is Federal Reserve Fraud
by Tom HeneghanInternational Intelligence Expert
Wednesday March 13, 2012
European-Central-Bank-1409.jpg-European-Central-Bank-1409.jpgimages thisdaylive. com and stewwebb. com
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the Bloomberg News story that Greece made payments on its first contingent of international bonds tied to the Greek bail out is bogus. The alleged payment aka non-payment is another ECB-Federal Reserve-JP Morgan ponzi scheme involving crooked Greek bankers and none other than the stolen MF Global assets ($1.8 BILLION of insured customer segregated accounts) that were illegally turned into cross-collateralized, compounded derivatives on the London LIFFE Exchange.

Note: This is nothing more than a major money laundry that was sanctioned by the corrupt financial regulators: the CFTC, the SEC and the NFA. carnetatlantique.files.wordpress. com
P.S. At this hour, IMF President Christine Lagarde is working with European INTERPOL to bring to justice these 'financial terrorists'.
image madashelland. com

European INTERPOL has new evidence fingering both the Fed and the ECB in using both the Singapore and London LIFFE Exchange in the use of bogus derivatives to manipulate the libor rate (short term interest rates) that were used to manipulate currency exchange rates for the purpose of devaluing the U.S. dollar.

The banks and the hedge funds operated secretly with both the Fed and the ECB to create an artificial spread that allowed both the banks and the hedge funds to be on both sides of the market at once.

A direct message to Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke:

The Swiss government is enraged at you for the illegal misuse of its gold reserve in creating illegal cross-collateralized, compounded derivatives. Note: Who is the Fed's brokerage firm in Switzerland? None other than Marc Rich's Glencore Commodities.
Tom Heneghan EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefings