Thursday, March 29, 2012

Responses From Big Name Bloggers about GFL Evacuation of Earth

Evaluation of the 3-28-12 Greg Giles Ashtar Command Article

In this recent post by Greg Giles for the Ashtar Command, several rather “severe”, “dire”, predictions were made regarding the future of Earth. These included seismic events, the need to relocate, at some point, to “safe zones”, and so on.
As I stated earlier, “I have never really ever “got” that any major earth change events were going to take place. Ever. I have only “got” that these would be either mild ones, or moderated and leveled out by “the Galactics” and their advanced technology.” I still get that is the case.

Shortly after receiving an email from a reader questioning what this latest Ashtar Command article stated, I asked one of my closest spiritual confidants, and one who I have found to be a very clear channel for independent, objective, “checking out” of such information, what was their “get” for what was reported. Here is what they said.
“I did my absolute best and get that this is NOT AT ALL correct, in fact, that this source/s being/s entity/ies is NOT of, by and for Divine Light, Divine Love, Divine Truth and Divine Sovereignty.
“Again doing my best, I have just re-checked this information and get, that as things stand now (3-28-2012, 10.44pm HST) likelyhood of it happening is 0/100.”
All I can add here is that this is a source I trust in matters such as this.
Again, I would like to point you all to the very relevant article Steve Beckow has written about this.


Steve Beckow: Ashtar Command Prediction

2012 March 29
Posted by Steve Beckow
The editors of the 2012 Scenario are using the occasion of the posting of Greg’s message as an opportunity to discuss our own practices and philosophies, particularly around credibility analysis.
Greg has issued a warning that a planetary seismic upheaval can be expected and we as a site say that no disaster will be happening for the Earth. On the surface of things, it would appear that our two viewpoints contradict each other.

However we have no desire to harm any channeler, especially one whose messages have been very influential in the short time he’s been posting. But we also have a competing desire to get at the truth of what will be happening in 2012. We believe that we owe it to you to do so.

So we plan to move more slowly than usual in responding to a situation such as this.  We intend to use the occasion to look at and suss out a new-paradigm approach to it, one that does not affront or harm Greg but also seeks to get at what is credible and true.

We recognize that Greg is merely the channel and that this presents its own special requirements in how to proceed.  We intend to be circumspect, honorable, and, if possible, transparent in the manner in which we go forward.

Knowing how to proceed will involve some discussion behind the scenes on our part, which may look like avoidance but is in fact very useful for us and we hope useful to you in the long term as well. The days of exposes and crossing swords are over; we think we need a new way of handling our disagreements.

Boy, what a hot potato this is.
Greg Giles has posted a message from the Ashtar Command saying that “everyone, with no exceptions, will be given the opportunity to relocate to what we refer to as safe zones” when certain “seismic upheavals” occur that the Ashtar Command says are inevitable.
Here is one paragraph:

Message from the Ashtar Command 3/28/12
We would like to revise history here, and that is the purpose of our mission. There were events in your past that saw the destruction of an entire continent and millions of lives lost in this catastrophe. It is our intention to replay this event, but this time we wish to achieve a different outcome. This is the basis for our presence here in you world, and as we move forward more of what we intend to do will be revealed to you. As more information is shared with you, you will understand better your reasons for being here as well.

All I can say is that this is not our understanding on this blogsite. We prefer the interpretations offered by Mathew Ward, SaLuSa and others that no such planetary catastrophes are in the offing for our world. I append to the bottom of this article a list of pages on this site that deal with the question.  The galactics, masters and celestials that we post here have been consistent over time in saying that no global disaster is in the cards.

But this is an ideal time to discuss our reaction to news like this. My email is bulging from people who are indignant at this message from Greg. (Maybe you’d permit me to allow this to be my answer, rather than wade through so many items.) I can see another episode of lightworker indignation in the making. Here we go careening off into reactivity.

I’d prefer to wait and hear more from Greg on where this message came from. I’m fairly certain that other sources will comment on it and give us the reassurance that nothing of the sort is in the offing. If the matter were otherwise, I think we would have heard about it long before now.

No, we won’t post the message in its entirety. Yes, we do wish to hear more about how the subject arose.  In regards to it, however, there is one message that is even more important, as far as I’m concerned, and that is to remain calm and stay out of judgmentalness. A fuller explanation will come at some point.

I must say it has been an interesting day: on the one hand, we have David Wilcock acknowledging that in his view “aliens and angels” may be behind the arrests of the cabalists; on the other hand, we have Greg saying prepare for a global disaster.  These days are certainly a roller coaster ride.

But, no, I do not expect a global event of the scale that Greg’s sources have predicted, with all due respect to Greg. And, no, I don’t intend to get indignant about it.