Montague Keen ~ 11 March 2012~
~The process of change is happening now~
Religions, whose rules they have lived by and trusted, are all part of the Cabal. Think back to when the late ROBERT MAXWELL, the zionist newspaper magnate, stated: “I AM ABOUT TO PULL OFF THE BIGGEST SCAM SINCE WE SET UP A CARPENTER’S SON AS GOD AND GOT PEOPLE TO PAY HIM MONEY EVER SINCE.” Interestingly, Maxwell ‘died’ in mysterious circumstances almost immediately ! These people have been pulling off what they call “scams” throughout history. Global Warming is one such scam that so many of you innocently believe, when in actual fact, it’s just a ruse to create fear and to enable them to tax and control you even more. These people are clever, they have had years of practice. They wrote the Bible, so do not look to that for guidance. That was all part of the Great Plan to control the masses. You must admit, it worked well until good people woke up and realised what was being done to them.
There is a concerted effort on this side of life to enable people to see the truth for themselves. Know that you are all equal in the sight of the Supreme Being. Those of you who think you know it all, only know what the Cabal allows you to know. They control your schools and universities, etc. So what you have accepted as fact is far from it. You have to ‘un-learn’ so much, then start again from the beginning. This is why I guide you back to ancient knowledge and sacred geometry, for it is there that you will find the real truth.
We are trying to limit the damage the Cabal might do before they finally accept that their rule is over. They failed to foresee the awakening of the good people who have dared to put their heads above the parapet and speak out when they saw injustice. Some have given their lives to rescue their fellow man and their planet. This movement has spread worldwide, and now, millions of people have became part of it. Never ask “What can I do?” When you wake up to who and what you are, you will understand that YOU, in fact, are the powerful ones. But you allowed the corrupt to use superstition and fear to undermine you. Do not allow anyone or anything to distract you from the path of light and truth.
Those who try to predict the future hit a brick wall. They cannot go beyond 2012, as that is the end of 3D living. 3D people cannot go further or even see further than 2012. Even with all their technology they cannot see beyond this year – this is when the corrupt world ends. Mankind will go forward into the light where peace and love rule. This Transition can be as easy or as hard as you want to make it: but happen, it most certainly will.
Take time to envisage what life will be like without war; when it will be safe to travel, and to explore all the hidden knowledge that was kept from you. The Andromedans have told you of the technology they intend to share with you, to enable all of you to live your lives in peace. It is beyond anything that is known in your world. Life will become an adventure when all doors are open to you.
The process of change is happening now, even though this news is kept from you. We rely on the good people on Earth to keep you informed. Their help is invaluable. Although they are attacked from time to time, they continue their mission undaunted. The more light they create, the less powerful the Cabal becomes. They are attacking each other now as they fight for their survival. There is no honour among thieves. Their crime against humanity is enormous when you see and understand what has been done to the human race. It will be painful to deal with, but concentrate on the fact that it is over. Do not dwell on it. Celebrate its departure !
Learn to live in the sunshine once more. All of humanity together, knowing that you each have done your bit to bring this about. You are all part of this Great Awakening.
Go forward with confidence, my dear. All our plans will come to fruition. Continue to allow love to be your guiding light.
Your adoring, Monty. link to original article